Dinner and Embarassment!

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As we entered the glorious and freaking luxurious restaurant, I looked at Aaron to find him with his stoic face and walking like he owns the place.

Rich people! I will never understand them.

But I am going to become wealthy someday and I should take lessons from Aaron on how rich people behave. I know I will suck at first but I am also a quick learner.

So I tried to copy my Husband.

Right guys.

I held my chin high and made a stoic face, which was very hard. I don't even know how Aaron changes his temperament so quickly. One minute he is a teddy bear and for the other one, he is like a big rock.

I was trying to walk like Aaron when his head turned in my path. He looked down at me and he looked amused.

This man is enormous and how the hell he dared to look amused?

"What?!", I glared in a cold mood and he looked like he is trying to hold back a giggle.

"Nothing. Why are you acting like me?!"

"The freak!! I am Aaron Knight. I don't behave like anyone and why the freak would I be like you little baker?!", my rant started in a harsh voice and by the end, I was already speaking like Amber.

He cracked up.

He took my hand and kissed the knuckles not before intertwining his hands with mine.

Why do I invite embarrassment to myself?! Why am I like this?!

"Why are you acting like me?!", he asked smirking as his hand draped around my midriff and I flushed against his torso.

I was going to acknowledge back when he said me to wait. We walked towards the reception area and Aaron started talking to, what I assume was The manager and then took my hand and led us to a gorgeous corridor.

I started feeling self-conscious. At least he could have told me to wear something nice if he had plans but No! He is looking like he came straight out of the vogue magazine and I am probably looking like a homeless beggar in my yellow sundress.

"Stop!", he announced as I turned towards him making sure he said that to me or someone else.

I gave him a questioning eyebrow raise!

"You are looking damn gorgeous, Now get that pretty little mind to quit thinking bullshit.", he ordered as he stared at me and pulled the seat out for me to sit.

I didn't even notice when we reached our table.

I sat down and started proceeding to talk. Long gone was the self-consciousness. I was feeling perfectly confident now after listening to my husband but I just want to irritate him.

I giggled mentally! I am evil, I know.

"You believe my mind is pretty?!", I asked as I smirked in his direction and raised my eyebrow.

"Mm-Hmm I do.", he said smirking.

Now I was the one who was blushing profusely.

Why does he have to do me like this?

The minute I start thinking I am in control, he turns the table and looks at me with a You-can't-win-against-me look. And that damn smirk just makes it so impossible to respond in return. In the time I will be thinking of a sarcastic reply, he already comes up with one.

"Cat got your tongue baby?! Not so bold now are we?!", he again grinned leaning down on the table as his first few buttons of the shirt was open, I was getting a nice view.

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