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I came back from the shower and wrapped my body into my favorite bathrobe.

"Amie get ready fast, remove your bathrobe. I need to do your makeup and dress you up."

"Oh god, what is wrong with you? why do I need to remove my bathrobe? I am not wearing anything inside. Moreover, do you want to put makeup on my boobs and you know my-y? I expressed scoffing.

" I was joking! You know I am so excited and don't worry I will give you your privacy. I have already chosen the dress, you should be wearing".

She continued.

"Just put on the dress and a sexy bra and a thong and call me, then we will get your makeup done", she said winking and closing the door behind me.

I sighed.

I am not even 1 bit excited about this dinner. I have this uneasy kind of feeling that something is going to happen. I don't even have the time to refuse now. Father strictly told me his decision and I don't want to upset him.

So many things are going on in my life. My parents have been acting weird lately. They don't call me often compared to in the past and when I call them they always say they are busy.

Why are they acting like this i don't get it. It's so frustrating. I am the type of child who cannot go even a day without talking to my parents.

I wanted to share this with Morgan but then I didn't. I didn't want her to worry about my family affairs and it just kinda slipped my mind to tell her this.

Well, it's not the time to think about these things. I should start getting ready or else Dad will scold me.

"Ammiee are you dressed?", Morgan asked knocking on the door.

"Wait, just a sec".

I hurriedly put on my garments and started to put on the dress. I must say Mori seriously picked out a beautiful dress, Simple and elegant. She chose a black dress which is off-shoulder and has a sweetheart neckline and it has frills on the down part.

It's perfect.

"Oh well, well, well look at you! So fucking beautiful! and your boobs look amazing!!", she said admiringly.

I laughed. I don't like my tits. I don't know why but Morgan thinks they are perfect, so that explains why I talk about my boobs all the freaking time.

"Thank you, baby, you have a great fashion sense", I said hugging her.

I glanced at the clock and it showed 5:40 pm. We have a lot of time before heading towards my destination and for my parents to come here.

"Morii we have a lot of time before going, do you think we can spend some bestie time and talk, it's been so long since had spent some time together?", I asked wiggling my eyebrows.

She squealed and I chuckled.

"Sure thing girl! I will bring ice cream. You have a whole bucket of chocolate chip ice cream in your refrigerator. I was searching your fridge when you were getting dressed", she ran out excitedly to grab some ice cream for both of us.

I chuckled.

Sometimes god sends such lovely people into your life which makes your life so beautiful and smiley and in my life, she is Morgan, my best friend.

I love this girl so much.

"Amber you know I wanted to tell you this for a very long time but let's just say we were too busy to talk".

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