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Have you ever felt betrayed by your friends?

I did.

so let me explain to you from the start.

Sebastian and Morii decided that they wanted to eat at Wendy's but I wanted to eat at McDonald's. So they were arguing with me to come and eat at wendy's but come on who doesn't want to eat at McDonald's?

Aaron didn't say anything. He was leaning on his car bonnet and watching us fight. He was not even engaging himself in the fight to take a stand for me but neither did he object to going to McDonald so it's fine. I forgive him because he was looking hot.

Sebastian and Morgan went to wendy's together in his car which his driver dropped in front of the shop as he ordered him. And they both even dared to smirk at me before going. Sebastian even mouthed Have fun in the car with him.


So now I am sitting in the passenger's seat with Aaron and we are alone and he is showing me tantrums and my head is about to burst.

"Do you even know Amber I wasted my whole day in this shit? I had an important meeting today but look at me, I am here taking you to Mc Donald because you want to fucking eat. Seriously? And you were fighting like a child with Morgan and Sebastian there. That was so fucking embarrassing", he said angrily.

"Aaron, what is wrong with you? We had to buy rings together it was important-

"Not for me."

I ignored his comment but it still hurt like a bitch. I continued.

" - because Mr Knight said us to choose together. And you have to make time for me, I am going to be your wife?! Will you ignore me, Aaron?! No. so we have to get along and I am hungry and I want Mc Donald! It's your fault I was choosing a perfect ring for you-

"I didn't say you to waste so much time on something fake. Don't you understand it's all for my business"! he growled.

Again! what did I do to this A-hole god? Why he is so cruel to me? It's better to ignore all the garbage he says.

" - and I didn't have breakfast in the morning too so I am hungry. Now stop showing me tantrums and drive to McDonald's quietly", I said to him after slumping like a log in his seat.

"What I have gotten myself into?", he whispered to himself driving.

God, I can be a guardian angel or something. My senses and gut feelings are so strong. I can hear a whisper, I can make Aaron drive to McDonald and. I can also protect him, I know I can or maybe I am just his guardian angel. He is so damn lucky.

Plus on top of that, he still is taking me to my favourite diner despite saying, that he is busy to waste his time on me. He is such a softie I think, just cold from the exterior and cotton on the inside.

This thought was enough to make me smile.

"You are such a softie Future husband", I said smiling at him.

"I am not", he growled irritatedly.

"You are hun", I teased.

He stopped the car so suddenly and my whole frame shifted forward but the seatbelt saved me, however, my knee got smashed into the front part of his car. I don't know what you call it.

"owe..owwww...ahhh..what the hell. Don't you know how to drive!!! Who the hell pulls the breaks so suddenly!!! My knee is broken yeah I know it's broken!!! You are a freaking bad driver!!! I will give you 0 stars", I cried.

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