Back to square one!

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I wiped the sweat off of my forehead as I hauled the chocolate batter into plastic moulds. I set the timer of the oven and sat on the seat till they gets baked.

I leaned my head on the table and grinned to myself thinking about Aaron.

I got the most handsome husband in the world. Periodt.

Isn't it crazy,  No matter how many things go wrong in your life, a specific person always has a certain power over you to make you happy, to make you feel special no matter how shitty your day is going on? Aaron is that someone in my life.

He is maybe cold to world and always keeps his guard up. I don't blame him. He is just scared like I was until I met him. I was scared to share my heart with everyone until I met him.

To me, he is the person who holds a family together, Who cares about everyone, sure his way of showing it is different. He is a man who can certainly take a bullet for his family. No matter how hard he is struggling, he never shows it infront of his family.

And to me, He is my world. He knows what I am going to tell him and yet he still listens to me for my sake. Doesn't matter how many times I ramble the same things he still listens to me without even interrupting me once and that's the most beautiful thing.

I fell in love with his heart, looks were just a cherry on top.

I am one lucky girl. Atleast i know that i had  the most perfect being as my husband when i will die. And after me, that girl will be the luckiest whom he will choose to be with.

We were forced into a wedding and yet he never reminded me of that. Of course, at the start, he was an asshole to me but then again he thought his freedom is being snatched away. But now it completely feels like we married because we love each other. I do love him. Very much. I don't know about him but just being with him is enough for me.

I want him to love me though!

I don't know how should I tell him that his wife is dying. I don't have it in me. I am afraid of his reaction. I am afraid he will leave me. Consider me selfish for all you want but I don't want him to leave me. I feel like I am betraying him. So, I have decided to tell him the truth. Maybe in the coming days i will tell him.

I can die knowing he hates me, but it will crush me alive if I will break him. Betray him. I will not be able to handle that.

I straightened up and smiled looking at my phone screen.

It's a picture of him napping and I pouting looking at him. I took it when he was asleep. The picture was so beautiful that I decided to put it on my lock screen.

To date, I never changed it, and I am not planning to.

"Amber, Baby come back from Aaron's land", Morgan whacked me on the head and I looked towards her scowling.

"Done daydreaming about your husband?", she asked smirking and I smacked her shoulder playfully. My cheeks gleamed as i looked towards her.

So i might or might not have told her about our makeout session. Trust me, I am very disappointed in myself. Every two minutes, she pluckers her lips into a kiss and make kissing noises looking at me. I am very embarrassed.

Of course i was over the moon when we did that. It was so romantic and i did what any sane person would do. I told that to my bestfriend. I was gushing over Aaron and how good he kisses and how I was straddling him. I was so into an explanation that I did not realise that I am explaining every single detail to her and I forgot that she will tease the shit out of me later.

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