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"Oh My God, my dear you are looking so beautiful. I have never seen you in makeup or a dress before but I want to say that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen", Granny said to me hugging me tightly.

Be my boyfriend granny.

"Thankyou grams, love you! you are so beautiful yourself inside and out", I said kissing her on the cheek.

''Aaron is going to get a hard-on", Granny whispered smirking in my ear as I glared at her.

This woman will never change.

"How are you baby? You have grown into such a beautiful woman. It's been a while since I have seen you", Mrs. Knight said hugging me.

"You are so beautiful yourself Mrs. Knight. And I have missed you more than you can think".

Lastly, Mr. Knight hugged me and planted a soft kiss on my head.

"So beautiful", he said putting his hands on his heart.

"So handsome", I said dramatically and he chuckled releasing me from his famous bear hug.

Mom and Dad and everybody exchanged greetings and for the first time in a while, I saw my dad smiling. Grams then led me to the dining hall.

Upon seeing the dining room, I was mesmerized would be an understatement. It was freaking beautiful, homey and cozy. Just the way I like. Of course, what would you expect from billionaires right?

Everyone got seated but the chair next to me was empty. I frowned.

"Grams why is this chair empty? I am sure that we are the only ones who are having dinner here why would the servants put an extra chair? Is someone else also coming", I asked her feeling nervous.

God don't let my assumption be true.

"That my dear is a surprise and I am sure you will love it. Besides it would not be a surprise if I told you who would be coming, right", she said smirking.

I glared at her.

Tsk, tsk I will take my revenge someday old lady.

"So M what are you doing currently my dear?" Mr Knight asked.

"Sir, I am currently running my bakery you know. That's what I am doing now and I will do it forever. I love baking so much I am not planning to retire anytime soon", I answered smiling.

He chuckled.

"You have not changed even a % from your old self. When I met you 5 years ago. You still are that same bubbly little girl. I am planning to come to your bakery to taste your famous cupcakes. Mom wouldn't stop appreciating them and how can I not try them out if they are made by you", he chuckled smiling.

"Sure, I will make the best for you".

"Any plans on getting married?", Mrs. Knight asked me and I choked on the water I was sipping.

"Oh god! why does everybody keep asking me the same question? I will not marry anyone. I definitely would not have an arranged marriage", I huffed.

Grams and Mrs. Knight laughed but Mr. Knight, Dad, and Mom somewhat didn't smile nor laugh and their eyes filled with guilt.

About what though?

Just when we all were chatting a husky voice stopped us all from talking further.

"Hey everyone. Pardon my manners, there was a lot of traffic on the road and I got late."

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