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I started up with my drama.

I sucked my bottom lip in and looked at him.

"You know all my life I have been this girl who always thought that I will enjoy my life, and live the way I want when the opportunity will come.", my voice sounded low and the words felt like they are echoing in the room.

Some heavy words Amber.

Real heavy.

"But you know what?", I played with his tie.

"The opportunities never came. I waited and waited but they never came. It can be they came but I just ignored them thinking I'll do it another time or something".

He looked at me intently as his eyebrows crinkled and I continued my talking.

"I took them for granted and now look they take me for granted".

"What do you want Amber?".

"I want to go clubbing", I flung my hands in the air in exasperation.

This man got no patience.

"That's it?".

"Absolutely". I answered back. He took a prominent sigh like he cannot believe himself, rubbed his forehead and looked at me. I gave him a confused glance.

"You need not say that monologue if you just wanted to go clubbing. I thought you are going to converse something serious with the way you said those words".

I put my hand on my heart.

"God! I am so offended. They were some really strong words I said. I never said something like that in my whole life. I thought I can talk like those poets-

He kept looking at me without blinking.

"What?", I asked. He shook his head yanking me closer to him on his lap.

"You are just pretty when you try to make sense of your rambles".

My heart skipped a beat.

No, Several beats.

I love him.

So much.

As he bopped my nose, I bopped his as I tried to ignore the rising heat in my cheeks.

"I always make sense you jerk".

"Mm-hmm, I believe you".

He said it like without a care in this world as I smiled at him.

I don't make sense most of the time I know this, he knows this too but there is just something so special about this small moment, just him agreeing with my every talk.

He is perfect without him knowing.

"Ooh-huh what are you doing?", I came back to the real world when Aaron suddenly stood up from his chair, carrying me in bridal style so unexpectedly.

"What? You said you wanted to go clubbing. We are going home".

"That means we are going? It's CONFIRMED?".

"Yes baby", He placed a kiss on my neck and I nearly squealed in his arms.

"I lov-  ", I stopped mid-sentence as the 3 words dared to spill from my mouth.

Oh No.

Aaron looked at me with an interested gaze.

Don't spill those terms, you desperate idiot! 

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