Bucket list

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I feel so content and happy today. My gut feeling says that today is going to be an amazing day and I believe it. I am currently working my ass off in the kitchen.

I am making cupcakes and some Italian cuisine for lunch for Aaron. He was in a hurry this morning and didn't even take lunch with him.

But didn't forget to kiss my forehead before leaving. I was almost gonna cry.

Anyways, So like the best and most amazing wife I am in this whole wide world, I decided to surprise him by giving him a surprise visit at his workplace.

With amazing food ofc.

My health is totally fine, just weakness but nothing I cannot take. These past few months have been so hard on me and made me think about all my life decisions and amazing things I have done in my life which are absolutely none. So after banging my brain in every way I have decided something.

To live my life to the fullest.

All my life I have been a good girl. No drinking, no partying, no hookups, no sneaking outs, no troubling anyone and the list goes on. Being well aware of the time limit I have, I just want to enjoy every bit of the time I have left with my person. MY HUSBAND.

I know for a fact that Aaron will grant me anything I want in less than a second, even though when he asked me about hiding something from him the other night, I started speaking idiotic stuff. So idiotic, it went above Aarons's head and he told me to keep my mouth shut.

The situation was so funny, I laughed till my cheeks and stomach hurt and my eyes were watering. Even though Aaron let it slide but I know for a fact that he knows something is up.

But he didn't force me to tell, his eyes assured me that he waiting patiently and he'll hear me whenever I am ready.

But that is the sad part. I don't know if he'll ever hear about it at all from me.

So I made a bucket list.

Yes, I did.

And that includes everything I want to do before sitting next to satan or some hot vampire and helping him rule hell.

I would be over the moon if I even completed half of the things I wrote here. It will not matter if I will die young knowing I enjoyed my life fully till I was alive.

So starting today, not a single,

"Fu- fuc", damnit!! Why is it so hard to curse?

"Not a single fu- FUCking negative thought around me!!", and as soon as the f-word left my lips I felt a giddy feeling in my stomach. It feels so nice to curse. I giggled like a mad teenager who got her first iPhone.

That went great!! little stammer but it feels so nice to say bad words.

Now I feel Morgan, and I almost feel bad for stopping her from cursing all the time.


I hurriedly climbed up the stairs to the bathroom to get ready with a big smile on my face.

I chose a yellow sundress and wore my white shoes, put on light makeup and headed downstairs.

Once I made sure that everything is settled and checked if the gas is off in the kitchen I went out and sat in the car.

One can never be so sure right? What if I come back home and get to know that I have to live on the streets because our house blew up?

I hurriedly sat in the back seat and looked out of the window with a small smile on my face.

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