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"What a FUCKING BITCH you are!! seriously!! YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED? Ewwww! And that too in only 3 days!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! WHAT THE NAME IN HELL!! JESUS! FUCK!!", she yelled over the phone and I cringed putting the phone away from my ear.

"Morii don't use JESUS and the f-word together! it's disrespectful", I scolded her.

"You shut up grandma!! You are getting married!! can you fucking believe this and with AARON KNIGHT? good god, that dude is smoking hot!! You are so damn lucky! WAIT! when the fuck is your ENGAGEMENT! Don't tell me You are engaged too!! Fuck me", I felt like throwing my phone away listening to all the f-bombs she dropped.

"Listen Now! SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME!! to answer your question, I am not engaged yet! I and Aaron are going for ring selection now and maybe his best friend is accompanying him too. So I want you to get your butt off the bed and hire a cab to Knight Corporation and come to me", I continued.

"I am waiting for you here and pls try to be fast! you will accompany me as I can't stand that jerk alone!", I admitted getting frustrated.

"I can't believe this", she mumbled.

Neither can I.

"Okay I will meet you in 30 mins and then you will tell me all this fucked up shit! bye amiee", she declared excitedly.

I sighed.

She is excited! Well, I am too. No matter in which circumstances everything is happening, you only get married once in my opinion, after all, I am still marrying my crush so yeah I am excited.

And this made me think how fast I said Yes. Is it possible that my feelings are deeper than what I like to think?

Did I say yes because deep down I wanted him to fall in love with me and this was the only chance?

It is so F up.

I thought about Morgan and smiled.

Great now! She will be here after 30 mins. what will I do till now? I huffed.

"Amber is anyone accompanying you?", Mr Knight asked coming from behind.

"Yes, sir my best friend Morgan is coming in 30 minutes. She will accompany me", I said.

"Okay, good baby! Now choose whatever ring you want as I am paying because you are my daughter and I love you and FYI I am not taking No for an answer", he declared with no room for argument.

"Sir I-- "

"I said No but I'm Amie"

"Thank you so much, sir! I am so grateful for you guys and I love you too!", I spoke out gladly.

"Anytime! And Amiee Aaron will be here in 30 minutes", he said.

"Great", I said smiling sweetly and sarcastically of course.

He chuckled.

" And in the meantime feel free to explore the building and your husband's office. It's beautiful!", he said exiting his office once again.



Uh.. do. sounds odd and good at the same time.


I too exited the office and started exploring the building.

It's not like I can do anything anyway.

"Excuse me mam?", someone tapped my shoulder from behind.


"Good morning mam! I am Sara Williams and I am Mr Aaron Knight's PA after Mr. Brown. Mr Knight told me to show you Mr Knight's floor and office. Pls come with me mam", she said smiling politely.

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