Ground Rules!

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"Husband!! when will we reach?", I whined.

I asked the same question the third time. It's already been 30 minutes sitting in the car and my bum is aching. Moreover, my beautiful dress is itching me now and I can't wait to take it off. I also want to eat my chocolate cake once we reach home.

"Have patience baker, will you?", he said with his eyes closed.

God, why is he so god damn irritating!

"Aaron, what the hell is your problem? You are a lazy ass. You just can't sleep in the car ignoring me! I am getting bored!".

"First, I am not sleeping. Second, I am trying to ignore you because your voice is irritating me and I can see a headache coming already. Third, we will reach in 20 mins till then please keep your pretty mouth shut", he hissed and glared at me.

"You think my mouth is pretty?", I blurted out and he turned towards my side like a raging bull.

Raging bull!! This nickname suits him.



"Shut up dammit"!

"Fine I will keep quiet if I irritate you that much",  I mumbled and turned towards the window not looking and talking to him anymore.


"Wake up Amber"!

"Amber  wake up"!

*no reaction*.


"What happened!!! WHAT HAPPENED GOD? Where is the bomb!!", I jerked forward listening to Aaron and rubbed my sleepy eyes.

"There is no Bomb", he said giving me a weird face.

"We reached home, get out of the car. Don't expect me to pick you up".

"I don't expect anything from anyone Aaron, Not even you", I said looking him in the eye.

He stared at me for a few minutes and ordered his driver to take our luggage inside and I followed him towards the entrance of the house.

As he punched the codes in god knows what, the front door opened and I entered only to gasp looking at the beautiful interior in front of me.


The whole living room was painted in kind of copper brown colour and all the furniture was in the contrast to the wall colour. Beautiful sofas with equally beautiful cushions and a gorgeous centre table were present in the centre of the hall. Lovely led lights fixed in the ceiling highlighted the whole room giving it a stunning glow. I turned towards my right to find a big glass wall showing the view of the exquisite garden outside which I failed to notice as I was sleepy and a black staircase by the side leading us to the floors. This place is so freaking beautiful. Everything screams expensive here.

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