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"Amber it's good that your hand didn't get infected or else you would have lost your hand", doctor Jackson declared disappointed.

I huffed.

"Sorry Jack, I was in kind of a difficult situation yesterday. And I thought I would not die overnight and I didn't. And don't worry I will take care of myself and my hand too".

"Thank you, Jack!", I continued.

"It's okay Amie and you can call me anytime I am always available. You are my friend. Don't ever think for a second that I will refuse to help you".

"Take care now", Jack muttered softly.

"I will bye", I said and exited his cabin.

I didn't sleep for a second yesterday because of the excruciating pain.

I will sleep after meeting Mr. Knight.

He was calling me the whole night yesterday and this morning also. He said he wanted to talk and I felt the desperation in his voice. I said to him that I would meet him so I am heading to his company now.

No matter what they all did I still care for them. I am not going to forgive them that easily.

Honestly, I think I will.

Maybe they seriously need my help and that's why they asked me to marry him. I should hear their side of the story too.

I thought about marrying him. If marrying him is that important to his and my family then I will do it. I will sacrifice my heart not that it can do anything else anyway.

You might think marrying your crush will be the best feeling and I think it will be if your crush reciprocates the same feelings. It will be a dream come true.

But what if you come to know that your crush hates you and this all is a deal? You wouldn't want to get married then, because self-worth is more important than some business deal or you can say marriage.

This all is stressing me out so much.

I called an Uber and got ready to meet Mr Knight.

What a freaking drama my life is.

I sighed as I took in the sight in front of me.

The Knight's Corporation.

Please God let everything run smoothly please.

I started walking towards the entrance. The receptionist was kind and nice. I think she was aware of my arrival. She said her greetings to me and told me the floor number.

I walked towards a golden elevator, pressed the button, and waited. My palms are sweating already.

The door tinged and I walked towards Mr Knight's cabin. I knocked before entering.

"come in!", said a faint voice.

I opened the door and met with the exhausted face of Mr Knight.

Oh boy, he looks quite stressed.

"Amber baby, I am so glad you are here", he said with a big smile before walking towards me and hugging me tightly.

I hugged him back with equal tightness. I don't like to see him sad. I don't know what is making him so stressed but I hope it gets over soon.

"I am so sorry baby, I am so sorry to hurt you. I didn't know that Joseph didn't tell you anything about his company. Amber, Never doubt my love for you". He expressed to me so politely.

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