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3rd person pov

By the time hyunjin and Jisung already reached the office.. Jisung quickly got out and held the car door for Hyunjin... hyunjin also got out and they went inside the building..at the reception they were greeted by a giggly and cheerful hoseok... The whole office had to admit that Hoseok's bright and cheerful face really made their day including hyunjin also

After getting inside the office hyunjin Went to his office room to discuss something with NamJoon while Jisung was with yeji, Jin and yoonmin duo... Jennie and Lisa were Printing some papers for the meeting

Jin led them to the meeting room.. Jisung gasped at the meeting room..it was very spacious and welly decorated.. in the middle of the room was a big table for meeting and there was big projectors.. hyunjin was sitting at the center chair as he was the CEO

Usually secretory would sit with their CEO and that was Jisung was about to do but he was interrupted by a certain girl named yeji.. she hurriedly took the seat beside hyunjin and on the other side was NamJoon as supervisor and manager... Jisung sat between the hyung's I mean Yoongi and Jin

Everyone started to take out their designs and started to discuss while yoongi Jin and Jimin were by themselves as they were the models.. they didn't have any work here.. Jin was admiring his handsome face... really this man is indeed worldwide handsome..his face features were even scientifically proven that they were perfect from every angle

Yoongi was playing with jisung's hair... He found it very fluffy and Jisung was the cute type like him so they get along very well..Yoongi was very pale and he had cat like features and girls were crazy about his leg line(how come his leg line is so perfect 😭😭)

Jimin was chatting with vhopekook duo.. jimin was a mixture of sexy cutie and lovely..his plump juicy lips, his round peachy butt and mostly his thighs... And with all this features he could be sometimes look extremely innocent

Jisung was busy hearing the meeting discussion...they were discussing about their new designs.. lisa and Jennie proposed a date theme male outfits while yeji suggested female outfits based on dinner dates or some party...both of the ideas were selected by hyunjin and he told them to work on the designs as soon as possible

While NamJoon made a budget about these outfits.. the Prices were Also selected by NamJoon after 1 hour the meeting finished.. yeji was all over hyunjin the whole meeting which Jisung extremely despised and hyunjin was tired of it so after everyone left hyunjin still stayed at the meeting room..he was looking at a file given by changbin

Jisung went to buy Hyunjin's favourite Americano.. after some minutes he came.. he knocked the door and a small 'come in' was heard

Jisung placed the Americano on the table and he began to unwrap a chocolate he bought for him from the canteen.. hyunjin watched as Jisung stuffed his cheeks with chocolates.. small chocolate crumbles were all around his lips.. Jisung wasn't a messy eater actually but he would get excited about the foods he loves so he sometimes tend to be messy

Hyunjin watched Jisung eating.. the sight was extremely adorable.. Jisung would wiggle in his seat whenever he takes a bite from the chocolate.. his cheeks were stuff with chocolates

his lips were pouty and some chocolates were on his lips

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his lips were pouty and some chocolates were on his lips.. it was almost unbearable for hyunjin not to touch those heart shaped lips and he lost control at last

He dropped the file on the table and moved towards Jisung by pushing his chair a bit.. Jisung looked up from his chocolate and saw hyunjin was in front of him.. hyunjin brought his hand up to jisung's cheeks and cupped them.. Jisung was shocked and he didn't know what to do.. it was like he was in a trance

Hyunjin traced jisung's cheeks with his thumb and after that he went towards his lips.. hyunjin softly traced jisung's bottom lips rubbing his lips corner to remove the chocolate.. hyunjin then brought his thumb towards his lip and licked it

Jisung widened his eyes.. hyunjin chuckled seeing him...he pinched jisung's cheeks and giggled.. Jisung couldn't help but return the smile.. Jisung was going to risk it all just to hear Hyunjin's little giggles

"You are so cute and adorable hannie!!!your cheeks are so squishy Omo Omo"hyunjin smilled brightly poking jisung's cheeks again and again.. hyunjin smilled even more widely when he saw Jisung was getting red all over by his compliment... hyunjin don't know why but he likes it when he has such a great impact on Jisung just by doing small things

Jisung slapped his hand away and muttered a small thanks.. hyunjin then got up and motioned for jisung to stand up also and then they left the room together smiling

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