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3rd person pov

Jisung lifelessly dragged his body to his house and plopped on the couch.. Felix was already there with his mom.. "You look shit..what happened?"Felix said while sitting beside jisung

Jisung closed his eyes and placed his head on Felix's chest.. " I had to do over time and for what? For being late in bringing his Americano.. "
" ji, literally everyone knows hyunjin's love for Americano "Felix said making a point

" but I was late bcz jeongin was talking with me- hey wait I forgot to say tomorrow is Halloween and jeongin asked us all to hang out and have a sleep over in his house "" what did you said? "Asked jisung's mom

" I said I would talk with everyone.. Mom and lix please call the others and let them know and lix don't leave today please "with that jisung drifted to sleep

" lix you take him to his room and your clothes are also in the cupboard.. I would inform the others "said jisung's mom

" thanks auntie.. "" anytime honey "Felix carried jisung to his room while jisung's mom talked with others


The sun rays broke through the window lighting the room..the sun rays hit jisung on face .. He moved and tries to get up but was stopped by felix's arms..jisung was cuddled up against Felix. He was laying on top of felix's chest while felix's hands were wrapped around jisung

" it's too early sungie~ sleep a bit more baby"Felix said.. It was 6:00 am..Felix voice was  normally deep as ocean but bcz of sleepiness it sounded even more deep

Jisung stopped moving and laid on felix's chest again.. They slept for another 20 minutes until jisung's mom came and knocked on the door

"Boys wake up...it's Halloween. Get up quickly" jisung and felix's eyes shot up they quickly got up and started to get ready

After 3 hour both male came downstairs.. The dyed their hair so it took too much time and that's why jisung's mom woke them up early"Happy Halloween mom! " Felix and jisung said in unison.. Felix also sometimes call her mom cuz jisung and Felix are wonder twins 👭

"Happy Halloween kids... Come and eat your breakfast.. Everyone is waiting for you at minho's cafe.. Oh and jeongin called you but you were sleeping so I told him to come to minho's cafe today"" thanks
Mom.. Do you have work today also? "Asked jisung

" no my squirrel but I also have a plan of hang out with my friends"
jisung's mom said while winking at jisung and Felix.. They all brust into laughter

They ate in comfortable silence watching the news.. After finishing their breakfast Felix and jisung packed their costume and said goodbye to their mom

They were in felix's car cuz Felix was driving today..jisung's phone vibrated.. He picked it up and saw Jeongin was calling

"Hi baby good morning"

"Hi innie good morning to you too"

"Are you coming yet? "

"Yeah we are on the car and it would take 2 more minutes"

"We? "

"Felix and I.. Felix changed at mine so we decided to come together"

"Wtf! What's tea between you two??? "

"Language innie*smack*"

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