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3rd person pov

Jisung was sprawled in his bed.. Thinking about yesterday.. Thinking about the fun they had yesterday.. Thinking about hyunjin.. Thinking about the kiss

He couldn't get one question out of his head and that was "did hyunjin felt the same? " after their accidental kiss no one else mentioned it again. Minchan being the good parent they are told everyone to go and sleep.. Hyunjin and jisung both haven't talked with each other yet

Jisung wanted to say something but didn't had the courage..


The phone rang waking jisung from his thoughts..

Mr Hwang
Han Meet me at the central
shopping mall before 10
Wear something casual

Ok Mr Hwang

Jisung was somewhat happy and excited that hyunjin messaged him but he was curious Why would they go to the shopping mall..

Without any other thought he quickly got up from the bed and went near the closest to get his outfit

He wore a black hoodie and black leather pants... Along with a mask and a hat.. He looked like a agent in those clothes.. But he was too lazy to brush his hair so a cap was the best idea

Jisung didn't felt like using the car so he chose to walk to the bus station.. It was 9:30 so he had half hour.. He put on his air pods.. Listening a calm song.. It was a bit cloudy and gentle breeze was blowing so it was a nice opportunity to walk while listening songs

Jisung walked over to the bus station..he got in a bus and scaned his card. There wasn't any available seat so he had to stand


Mr Hwang
I am on my way..

I am also arriving..
Is there anything you
need me to bring Mr hwang?

Mr Hwang
Bring Americano

Jisung closes his phone and checked outside the bus.. There was no cafe nearby.. But there was one beside the shopping mall. So he just waited for his destination

After some minutes jisung reached the shopping mall.. He quickly ran over to the cafe and brought drinks for him and hyunjin

After 5 minutes Jisung was done.. And he was praying hard to be safed from hyunjin's anger cuz he was 10 minutes late

It wasn't his fault though.. Hyunjin wanted the drink but then again he was the one who asked if hyunjin needed anything or not

He quickly got out of the cafe and ran towards the mall.. Hyunjin was standing there.. Hyunjin was wearing a black hoodie too..but it was totally different from jisung's.. In the front 'Gucci' was .Jisung smiled at it but his smile soon disappeared when he saw yeji was also behind him

"You are 10 minutes late Han jisung.. " jisung just hung his head low.."I am sorry sir"jisung apologized even though it wouldn't work on hyunjin

"Be glad that I am in a good mood today...now follow me we have to buy clothes for the community workers and for me"hyunjin took the Americano from jisung's hand and went inside

Yeji also grabbed a drink from the bag.. It was bubble tea and it was jisung's.. But before jisung could say anything yeji already entered the mall.

Jisung was more focused on hyunjin's words more than this.. Specially hyunjin's first sentence" be glad I am in a good mood today "

What happened today that hyunjin was in such a good mood.. Was it because yeji was with him? And if they are shopping for the workers so where are they? Why is only yeji here?

Jisung just shook his head and entered the mall.. His threw the coffee bag in the dustbin and followed hyunjin.. He was pouting cuz he didn't had any drink.. Yeji already took his drink

"Mr Hwang.. We are shopping for the workers so where are they? "
" they don't come here.. I always chose their clothes before events"
"Yeji is also a part of the workers so why she is here then? " jisung asked and it came out in a somewhat annoying tone

Just as hyunjin was about to speak yeji beat him to it.. "Why is there any problem? "" n-no just asking "

Yeji smiled and pulled hyunjin inside a shop.. They both were guled together more like yeji throwing herself on hyunjin.. They almost forgot that jisung exists until the lady in the shop asked jisung about his opinion

Yeji show black coloured t-shirt.. And it was good but a bit too intimidating for their theme.. They were selecting t-shirts for the workers to wear for the press conference of today.. Today hyunjin would reveal that they are having a comeback along with changbin..

Everytime hyunjin's company release a new design changbin's new artist would wear the outfit and performs their unreleased songs.. So both companies have comeback..it was very important for both companies

Hyunjin chose a black and white coloured t-shirts with some block design but that also didn't matched the theme

"Guys what about this....? " jisung asked nervously.. Jisung was holding a plain cream white coloured shirt.. "It's plain" said yeji "that's the point.. The fabric is good and high quality.. The colour is also perfect for our theme.. And we are from designing company.. We can customize it according to our choice"

This caught both hyunjin and yeji's attention..."let's write our theme name on it! "Said yeji" but we don't have any theme name.. We only had theme for date but we didn't set up any name.. We need to think something unique "said hyunjin

" philia "both hyunjin and yeji raised their eyebrows at Jisung's Statment

" affectionate love...The Greeks defined this kind of love as "affectionate love". Ironically, the ancient Greeks thought this kind of love was better than eros (sexual love), because it represented love between people who considered themselves equals."

" beautiful "both yeji and hyunjin said in unison

" it's set then philia is our theme name.. Thanks a lot ji! "Jisung's cheeks and ears became red not bcz of the compliment .. It was bcz of the nickname hyunjin used.. No one ever used this nickname for him.. And it fluttered his heart

" let's buy it and go back to the office! "" let's go! "

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