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3rd person pov

It was finally the day.. the meeting day.. Mrs hwang arrived to Korea yesterday and today was the meeting.. hyunjin was in his car with his side representatives and his manager namjoon. Hyunjin's other coworkers were in the other car .. jisung took a day off today.. he called in sick. Hyunjin decided he would just bring jisung on a date after the meeting.

Jeongin and changbin were coming too as they had many collaboration with the hwang company this year so they were coming to check the amount of profits their Deals got

Everything was settled... They were certain that they would win against Mrs hwang..

They finally arrived the office where the meeting was about to take place..

"Are we on time hyung?" Hyunjin asked namjoon

"Yeah correct on the time.. let's go now"

" No wait hyung ..let us all get coffee first..all my life my mother always came late for the meeting and made me wait.. it's time I give her payback and shock everyone with my entry"hyunjin said flexing this time..

As hyunjin said they all went to the cafeteria bought coffee and went for the meeting.. they entered 15 minutes late.. hyunjin was squealing outside the door in excitement finally his main character entry but soon his main character energy turned into a thunderstorm and fell on him..

Hyunjin's mother wasn't alone in the room..she bought Dahyun and kai with him and there were 2 set of ring boxes on the table

"Hyunjin hyung... You won.. but at what cost?" Jeongin said from behind..

" Hello my dear son "Mrs hwang said in a honey dripping voice.. jeongin almost gagged right on the spot from the amount of cringe..

Hyunjin just nodded and sat down on his chair.. Mrs hwang was sitting on the CEO chair where hyunjin was supposed to seat... hyunjin ignored her and sat on the opposite direction where he was face to face with Mrs hwang..

Mrs hwang raised her brows.. usually hyunjin would sit beside her but this time he was sitting on her opposite side ... facing her.. like a real CEO..(like duh he is the real CEO u ahjumma 🙄)

"Why are you lar today My son ? You are always so early.." Mrs Hwang asked..

" I never questioned you when you were always late for meetings."
Mrs hwang had a sour look on her face ... " I think we should start the meeting now"Kai said breaking the ice between the mother and son..

Namjoon came forward and gave Mrs Hwang a file .. he then played the slides of the shares, loss and profits of half year.. Mrs Hwang was happy seeing so Much profits made this year but she didn't notice that the profits were under hyunjin's name...

"And lastly this year Mr Hwang's shares made 70% profit while Mrs Hwang's shares made 30% "namjoon ender with a wide smile while Mrs Hwang's wide smile turned into a frown

" What do you mean by hyunjin's share are more ? workers under me are more talented and has more nice designs than his employees.. how come he got more sales this year ? "

" For your kind information those workers are mine too my dear mother... They all worked under me first you then took them away by bribing or blackmailing! "Hyunjin said in an absolute rude tone

" Watch your tone hwang "

" You deserve it."

Dahyun and kai were shocked seeing all this..." I'll bring my lawyer and deal with this later just wait hyunjin... But now put on these rings you and Dahyun... Today is your engagement ceremony "

" And what makes you think that I would agree to this engagement? I am clearly not happy with it and I don't want to marry Dahyun... I see her like my sister! Also what kind of a way it is to announce an engagement? Like is it some game that we'll play any time? "

" You don't get to choose hyunjin... Do what I say.. this is the best for our company.. "

" Our company? What our are you talking about? I clearly remember you not giving a damn about this company when I first started it ... Then all on a sudden when this company got big you forced me to write you shares. "

" Stop with this bullshit! You did fraud with me! Also you are now refusing to get engaged? I already signed an agreement with dahyun's father...you have to marry her otherwise say bye to this company"

" Wow what type of a mother are you? You literally sold your son for money ? How could you make agreement with them? That too without asking me !"

" I did it for your own good ,for your better future! "

" I won't marry her ever. "

" Your mother always signed the agreement.if you break it now you'll have to pay a heavy price hyunjin. Don't be a foolish hyunjin" Dahyun said getting up from her seat. Taking out an agreement and handing it over to hyunjin

She was actually right. Hyunjin's mother did sign an agreement with her family. And it clearly stated that if Hwang family break this agreement they'll pay a heavy price. And by heavy price they actually meant something BIG.

And another thing hyunjin noticed was..it has his sign..wait..


Namjoon quickly put on his glasses to see it again..what the hell was going on?

But he never signed such agreement..he thought for a while and remembered recently his mother made him sign some papers before she announced the engagement

Mrs hwang said it contained some business deals so he blindly signed them...

"What the fuck?! You tricked me ! I won't let this slide Mrs Hwang"

"Just so you know that even if you pay the company the mentioned money this still won't be over. I'll file a case against you .. the workers can't work until the case is over .you won't be able to sign any deal too. Lastly this will surely defame your company and you'll face a huge loss..no matter whatever you do your company is at stake along with the future of your workers"Mrs hwang said ... hyunjin was fully trapped here...at this point not only hyunjin would face a huge loss but there's a high possibility that workers of his company would face great difficulty too cuz they won't be able to leave the company too until the case is over

"Choice is yours hawng"

Hyunjin didn't know what to do now...this was definitely not the situation he thought it will be..it was company or jisung right now.


Jisung was getting ready in his room..he took all necessary papers in the handbag and a luggage for his clothes

He Looked at himself in the mirror.. he was actually leaving without anyone knowing.. he would surely still be in contact with everyone. But probably he won't ever be able to see a certain person again who's name is Hwang Hyunjin

He never thought he would leave like that.. wasn't he being a coward? Leaving like this?

Even if hyunjin solves the problem jisung still thought he wasn't the right one for hyunjin

Jisung cared more about what people would say about him now and how would they react when they'll know the great CEO is in a relationship with an ordinary secretory.. that too the said secretory is a BOY.

Jisung picked up his bag and got into the car..he checked his watch..there was still time left for his flight..and he guessed the meeting isn't also over ..he typed a big message and a PDF of his resignation letter..he then send it to hyunjin..

He thought that he would be gone by the time hyunjin would open this message..

Jisung didn't want to leave. But he had no other choice.. their would story would end here..even though it was bitter but jisung accepted it.

CEO Hwang Hyunjin and secretory Han Jisung was the ending of this story.

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