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3rd person pov

Hyunjin was extremely happy reading the letter.. now he didn't have to ignore jisung any longer and they could be together while on the other hand it broke jisung's heart thinking that hyunjin was so Happy because of forgetting everything...

So our kiss didn't mean anything to him? Our dance didn't mean anything to him? Jisung smiled bitterly as he thought about this things while hyunjin was hugging him

He didn't have the to energy to push hyunjin away or hug him so he just stayed like this still

He just stared at the pastel blue wall in his room..his mind thinking about the hug.. should he be happy that hyunjin was being normal again or feel sad that he just lied to hyunjin about his feelings which kinda decreased the option of hyunjin accepting him more

But it was too late to think about all this..his phone ringed a notification..he checked it and saw it was a message from Felix asking him to hangout with others

He thought about it a bit..he knew he couldn't ignore his friends always when it wasn't even their fault.. yeah jisung realized it after yoongi knocked some sense into him but he still refused to meet them..he needed a bit space..

Everytime he saw chan he felt a pang in his heart..a twist in his stomach..a bitter betrayed feeling blooming in his chest

He was maybe overreacting now but he didn't have the strength to give others a reason or excuse he just went along with it.. whatever the other assumed to be

He sighed and texted Felix that he would meet them after office hours

He didn't know if he actually wanted to face that pity look on others face again but he knew he couldn't avoid it for too long

He hated it..he hated the feeling of being pitiful..he hated when others gave him that pained sympathetic look

He closed his eyes hoping sleep would consume him but unfortunately as soon as he closed his eyes, his mind was filled with that loving dance he shared with a certain someone named Hwang Hyunjin under the moonlight with slow music playing in the background

"In that moment, I swear we were infinite"

He was a mess of unfinished thoughts

He cried again that night until thankfully sleep finally consumed him and freed him from those unfinished thoughts and desires

Morning came faster than he could..and he still looked terrible but he managed to hide it with the basic make-up skills he learned from taehyung and Felix

He sighed as he looked in the mirror..he plastered a fake smile on his face and went downstairs to greet his mom

His mom didn't say anything cuz she knew her son hated feeling weak so she couldn't even comfort him at this point

He ate his breakfast kissed his mom on her forehead and went to work

He was greeted with a cheerful hoseok on the reception..he was thankful that hoseok was there cuz his bright sunshine smile would always bring a smile on his face and make his day a bit better

He greeted hoseok with a smile and went to the cafeteria to buy Americano for hyunjin as usual..

There he was greeted by taekook, namjin and yoonmin couple..he felt a bit jealous to see all his friends together but he was still happy for them all

Suga and taehyung dragged him in a corner

"So what's your plan now?" Asked taehyung

"What do you mean hyung?I don't have any plan"

"Then what about yesterday..you wrote the letter in front of us..we thought you had something under your sleeve"

"Wait what does that even mean...? Why would I even have something under my sleeve..I have pockets though" yoongi and taehyung face palm

"Ok forget it... now tell us your plan"

"I have no plan..I really want to give up and get over this silly crush"yoongi frowned

" It's not an silly crush jisung..."

" Well you know it...I know it..but to hyunjin it is as I have already said it..now I can't change it"

" But you can't just give up so quickly! He really loves you sungie! I have never seen him like this around anyone"

" Your eyes are deceiving you tae hyung..you better do an check up"

"you little shit- stop hanging out with yoongi hyung taehyung stopped for a moment as he got an glare from yoongi so what I was saying ... jisung he actually loves you he just doesn't realize it.."

" Well I can't force him now can I?"

" No you can't..but you can make him realize it"jisung frowned in confusion

" Believe me Jungkook was same as hyunjin..he rejected me like 3 times officially...1st and 2nd Time he was in denial for his feelings and on 3rd time he literally at first agreed and then panicked again...yet I never gave up and now see us.."jisung hated to admit it but hearing taehyung's words raised a Hope inside him

" But how can I make him realize..? What if he is really not in love with me"

" Well then young man make him fall in love with you..you won't know unless you try right? You already confessed and he also rejected so there's nothing losing now... let's take one last risk"

Jisung's heart pained Everytime he heard the word rejection because the fact that hyunjin still clearly Haven't rejected him but it was clear that hyunjin would reject him

" What else can I do now?"

" Make him jealous"yoongi said

And jisung gave him a confused little glare

" Believe me... jealously always works.. taehyung also used the jealously trick on Jungkook...why don't you take jeongin's help"

" But won't it be using jeongin?"

" You aren't using jeongin to replace hyunjin's feeling right? So does it consider using..you would be the same with jeongin just when hyunjin calls you for anything say you are with jeongin..when hyunjin is near do a little skin ship with him....or more good just tell jeongin the plan"

" I can't tell him about it"

" Why can't you Jisung..? They are your friend..I am pretty sure they would do anything to help you"jisung didn't say anything and kept his head low

" Wait- are you still ignoring them...?" Taehyung asking while eyeing Jisung suspiciously

Jisung blushed in embarrassment.."damn you! They love you a lot! You can't just ignore them like this"

"Yeah...I know that's why I agreed to meet them tonight"

"Great! Now behave normally so hyunjin doesn't notice anything and then later on talk with your friends about it"

Jisung sighed knowing yoongi and taehyung won't let him live if he doesn't follow their plan..so he thought of giving it a last try

"One chance won't hurt right...?"

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