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3rd person pov

Jisung stood up and read the selected budget which was given by NamJoon.. he showed the ratings on the projector.. everyone nodded and Jisung went back to his seat

"Lisa, Jennie and yeji you can present your designed outfits now"Jennie and lisa showed them the 'men date outfit'

jimin, yoongi and Jin liked those outfits.. hyunjin also showed positive signs.. everyone also liked the ideas and it was within the selected budget

Next was yeji's turn..
Yeji's designs were also great.. even Jisung also praised her designs.. hyunjin and others also approved them

"So the theme, the dress and the male models are ready... Changbin hyung do you have any female singer or rapper who would want to model?"asked hyunjin since Changbin's companies trainees always becomes the model for Hyunjin's company's design

"Yeah a girl is going to make a debut soon and I have 4 other models and Ryujin is there too""ok... then choose 2 more""ok"

"Jeongin are you gonna take the work of decoration and venue?"asked NamJoon"oh yeah joonie hyung I am"

"The venue would be held on next Sunday.. That means you have only one week. Only one week! Now go back to work everyone"

Everyone except jisung, Namjoon and yeji was left there.. The 3 males raised their eyebrow at yeji. "Didn't you hear my words?"

"I-I actually wanted to say something ""and what is that?"hyunjin narrowed his eyes at yeji

"Every year you perform with someone in the show so this time
c-can i-I perform with you?"asked yeji. Jisung was beyond confused as to what was happening. What performance?

" I am sorry I have to decline it. You know that you are the designer you have to be there while the ramp walk continues. You can't perform with me"hyunjin said stating a fact

"You can give the credit to someone else! And I can danc-" hyunjin cut yeji off "it's your work and knowing it I can't give the credit to someone else. You designed the clothes the hard work is also yours and I know you can dance.. And you are a great dancer and I appreciate your visuals also.. But you are already assigned to a work"

"Please..Mr Hwang please...just one time please..""fine I would think about it" yeji smiled widely at the words.. She bowed and went away smiling

"Hyunjin you can at least do a one minute performance with her. She requested a lot and we all know about her dance" said Namjoon

"I know hyung but I don't wanna waste my and her time in this. I don't wanna perform with her"
'Ouch! Yeji would be very hurt if she hear this.. This man is really savage' thought jisung

"Aish fine... I am going to arrange everything bye "" bye hyung "now it was again hyunjin and jisung in the room

"Mr Hwang, do you need any-?"" What do you think about yeji? Should I perform with her?"
Hyunjin asked getting up from his seat

"Well I don't know about her dancing but as far as I heard from your and Namjoon hyung's conversation I can tell that yeji is maybe a good dancer you should give her a chance"said jisung

"Tsk.. Thanks for the useless suggestion and bring a Americano and some chocolates to my room now" with that hyunjin left

"Why the hell did you even asked for my opinion people were actually right you are cold. Fork you! " jisung muttered under his breath.. It was work hour so jisung didn't cursed

Hyunjin was already left by now. Jisung quickly packed the files and went outside to grab Americano.
Just then jeongin came and dragged him
"What are you do-?"" I have something to tell you "with that they reached to jisung's table.

" baby~ Halloween is coming so... I thought of your friends and mines hanging together~~"jeongin said in a cute voice while looking at him with puppy eyes which no one could never resist

"Of course we can innie.. Where do you wanna hang out? "" how about my house?we can even have a sleep over"" ok I would let the others know."jeongin hugged jisung in tiny and went away

Jisung chuckled and went over the bending machine to bring Americano for hyunjin and some chocolates from the canteen

After 10 minutes jisung was finished with his work.. He knocked on hyunjin's door and a come in was heard

"Mr Hwang your America-"" you are late... I already got my Americano from Hoseok and you can leave. Btw you have to overtime today as a compensation for being late"hyunjin said while sipping on the Americano he got from Hoseok

Jisung looked at him in disbelief but yet it was Hwang hyunjin! Americano freak.. Namjoon and Ryunjin already warned him about giving hyunjin his Americano in time and be punctual

But it wasn't his fault. Jeongin was talking with him that's why he couldn't do it in time

Jisung hung his head low and got out of the room sipping the Americano he brought aggressively.. He wanted to chill and rest at Minho's cafe but here he was suffering from "over time"

*time skip*

Everyone already started to leave while jisung was yet to complete his work.. He informed his mom about the overtime already

"Why does hyunjin have to be like this?! He was good these days but now he is being a devil. It was a small mistake why did he had to give me so much work as a compensation for his time" jisung whined and talked with himself

"Oi chipmunk why aren't you going home? " asked yeji while chewing on her bubble gum.. "I have to do overtime and I am not chipmunk"" you deserve"yeji teased jisung but got a glare in return

"Btw by any chance do you like hyunjin?" Asked yeji. Jisung froze. He gulped and thought about minho's word again.. "I don't know.. " yeji raised her eyebrows at jisung

"But-"" ahem miss yeji your work hour is over you should go home now "hyunjin cut yeji off. He was coming at their direction. " Han Jisung we are not over yet "yeji said while picking her purse and leaving

" jisung how much work is left? "" it would take half hour sir"jisung said while checking all the papers

"Here you go.. Close the office after finishing the work~~bye sungie" hyunjin Said in a taunting tone. He threw the keys at jisung which jisung immediately catched

Jisung was too angry to catch that hyunjin just called him by a nickname
"One day I am going to break your this ego you freaking dramatic llama! "

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