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3rd person pov

"Great so now we are stuck here" jisung said hitting the car.. they were stuck in traffic.. their car was moving like a turtle.. everyone was hanging out in minchan cafe and here they both were waiting in the traffic

But they were able to enjoy the night view from there..

"I didn't know about the engagement thing or companies partnership

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"I didn't know about the engagement thing or companies partnership..my mom didn't inform me neither asked anything about it.. I would talk to my mom about it"

"you don't have to explain.. it's not it would make any difference..we are not in a relationship that you'll have to explain everything to me"

" I just felt like I should say it"

" By the way what about Dahyun's party?"

" I would rather hang out with you then be in her boring party.. besides I am not that good at socializing "that thing again.. jisung was feeling butterflies again

" So do you like Kim Jong-in ?"jisung almost ran his car over someone hearing that..he quickly got out of his car and apologized to the old man who he almost killed and helped him cross the road

" Can you please warn me before asking something like this .. you know I don't wanna go to jail that soon"they both laughed at it

" So is it true? "

"Of course no..I barely know him.. and I don't see him in that way"

" Which way ?"

" I mean I don't see him in a romantic way... maybe he can be my friend but just friend only"hyunjin suddenly felt relief wash over him hearing jisung's word

"Han what's so special in love?
why is it so important?"

" Being in love is a beautiful feeling. The jitters, the butterflies and the anxiety when you fall in love with someone is inexpressible.. Be it day or night, you cannot stop dreaming about moments spent with them or imagining your entire life together"

" Do you need reasons to be in love?"

"Love doesn’t need reasons but reasons make it special" Jisung said looking hyunjin in the eye. A look of adoration in his eyes

"You all make it sound so dreamy"

"It is.. you'll understand when you'll be in love"

"what would you want to do with your lover?"hyunjin asked.. this question threw off jisung

He leaned back on his seat..

" I would want to be a better person for him, I want to be his sunshine in his darkest days, I would want to go on a beach date with him, want to have random late night talks on the rooftop, double cycle date, ice cream date and many moreeee... I want to grow old with hi-"jisung felt a sudden pull on his neck.. hyunjin put his slender fingers on jisung's neck and turned his head around

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