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3rd person pov

"Why do you guys look like you had car sex?"seungmin asked... Hyunjin choked on his food.. this was the second time today.. jeongin gave them water.. jisung was coughing crazily too

Hyunjin and jisung reached minho's cafe at last.. but they were drenched cuz of the rain.. and their faces were red like a tomato.. hair disheveled.. hyunjin's tie was loosened too which jisung did when they were vacuuming each others face

By the time they reached others already finished their dinner so they were the only one eating now

"Language kid! You shouldn't ask someone such questions" Minho smacked seungmin on the head.. jisung and hyunjin sighed and went back to eating

"But did you guys actually had sex?"Minho asked giving them a dirty stare... Hyunjin's third time.. that guy basically stopped eating at this point

"Of course not hyung! Just go outside.. it's pouring like cat and dog and it's cold outside too.. you'll look the same like us!"

" Don't mind them jisung.. you guys finish your food quickly "chan sighed looking at his wife and their son seungmin... While seungmin and Minho were giving each other High five

But hyunjin and jisung were blushing like crazy though.

"What would we do now?"hyunjin asked... they all were seated in the cafe

"Just deny it...talk to your mother I am sure she'll listen"chan suggested

Changbin jeongin namjoon and hyunjin sighed deeply like an ahjussi.."Using this method will worsen the situation more... Suggest anything besides talking to hyunjin hyung's mother" jeongin said

"At least do you guys know what's the reason behind this sudden marriage announcement?"

Minho looked at hyunjin..Hyunjin looked at changbin.. changbin looked at jeongin.. jeongin looked at namjoon.. and namjoon looked back to minho

"Wait what—why are you guys looking at me..?"

"We actually don't know the reason but everything indicates towards money.. dahyun's father company is very big and popular... Her brother is very successful too . She herself is a great model. It's basically a jackpot to marry Dahyun. It's like getting half of their company"namjoon explained

"What the fuck?! How can she do it? It's basically freaking selling her own son! "Minho said in disbelief... His protective mother's instinct kicking in

"Apparently she loves money more than her own son" hyunjin laughed bitterly.. jisung looked at him with a painful gaze

"I think there's a way..." Namjoon said suddenly... All the eyes were on him now waiting for him to say what was the plan..

"It's sure she is doing all this for money..but we can stop this engagement if we do something new which will help us in marketing.. if we somehow get more marketing shares and profit under hyunjin's name then we can stop all this... right now Mrs hwang is at more advantage..she owns more shares we need to change it and get those shares in our side" namjoon explained

"What do you mean? They are a family..the company is divided in two sections?" Chan asked

"Newcomers work for hyunjin...our department helps them to grow and when they are capable enough or get promotion they shift under Mrs hwang...and then Mrs hwang only receives that profit..and that's how she gets more shares signed"

" This is totally fucked up! She is using hyunjin and ain't giving him proper share of it"

" It's always been like this ..if we want to win here then we need to get as much share as we can.. right now Mrs Hwang has 70% shares and hyunjin 30%... The half monthly summary meeting is coming up...we need to increase our shares before that ... Maybe then we can do something about it"

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