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3rd person pov

Jisung was staring outside the window.. he was in Felix's car.. Felix decided to pick him up and when he came outside he saw the said boy was already standing there so there was no chance to reject Felix offer so here he was in Felix's car

There was a comfortable silence between them.. jisung was thinking about all the things that happened to him today

After talking with taehyung and yoongi he decided to give hyunjin his Americano and some files

As soon as he entered he was engulfed in a warm embrace by none other than hwang Hyunjin

If it was any other day then he would start blushing thinking that his crush hugged him

But right now it was different.. he realized that he kept loving hyunjin more day by day.. it just grew and grew.. and the things hyunjin does wasn't also helping.. hyunjin would always hug him and caresse his nape and head

And jisung loved it.. he was basically addicted to it.. the way hyunjin's long slender finger would get tangled up in his hair.. caressing his nape.. giving him head pats and Hyunjin's hugs

Although hyunjin was thin but still he managed to make jisung feel as if he was hugging a pillow.. specifically a very SOFT pillow

Jisung loved the way hyunjin's manly scent would engulf around him whenever he was near hyunjin or hugged him

They way hyunjin hugged him and touched him made him feel that hyunjin actually loved him..

It was all suffocating.. jisung badly wanted hyunjin to reject him properly tell him no..at least if hyunjin rejected then he wouldn't keep his hope high..or he could move on and forget about him..or come to some kind of conclusions but right now he couldn't...his heart kept screaming that hyunjin loves him while his mind said otherwise..he badly wanted to talk hyunjin about it...to officially reject him or accept him

But he couldn't talk about it with hyunjin..cuz the said boy literally ignored him for 2 days straight because of this so he didn't want that to happen again

The fact that hyunjin approached him only after he said that it was just a crush and he would move on made him really believe that just how much uncomfortable hyunjin was with him.. only if jisung knew..

"Sungie! We arrived" Felix's voice brought him back to earth... He blinked and looked around. They already reached minchan's cafe. He was extremely nervous right now

He palms were sweaty and he kept wiping them on his pants wrinkling the fabric.

He got out of the car and approached the cafe. Minho chan and seungmin was inside waiting for him. Suddenly he just wanted to turn and go back home again but he couldn't

He opened the door causing the wind chime to ring catching everyone's attention

Minho's mother instinct kicked in and he hugged jisung tightly following with a loud sob

"You little chipmunk do you even know how much we missed you" Minho said causing jisung to chuckle

Soon others also joined the hug except chan who stood beside the counter awkwardly afraid to face jisung

Jisung looked at chan and gestured him to join the hug..now they were complete again like before

"Jisung please forgive me..I didn't mean to hurt you..I Know I should have told you-"

"I am sorry for overreacting chan hyung..it wasn't your fault and about forgiving I already forgave you when yoongi hyung talked to me..I was just afraid to face you All. You did the right thing chan hyung. At least now I won't have the regret that maybe if I confessed to him he would accept me"jisung finished with a smile on his face

And the others couldn't be more proud than that..." Aww my baby has grown up so well"Minho said and hugged jisung again

After that all the friends stayed in the cafe till 1am .. after that they planned to have a sleepover but jisung declined saying that he had some important office works pending and he needed to complete that

So chan decided to drop him home but in actual jisung lied..he didn't want his precious friends to see him crying and sobbing over the rejection

He didn't want to see that pity look on everyone's face again

Morning came faster than he thought..it felt as if jisung only slept for one hour..but wait it actually was one hour..he couldn't sleep because everytime jisung closed his eyes he would think about hyunjin so he made himself busy with work and other things

And finally when he was enough exhausted he fell asleep which was 6am..and he had to wake up at 7:30 again

He looked at the mirror and sighed...he looked shit and like a drunk person but he covered it all with make-up

He kissed his mom and left for his office not even bothering to look at the breakfast

His mom's heart broke seeing him but she still gave jisung the space he needed

Jisung entered the office and saw everyone was running here and there..even the happy cheerful hoseok was also on panic mood running here and there

He went to the reception for signing..."you don't need to sign just go inside today!"

"Ok but hobi hyung what happened here? Why is everyone in so much panic and running everywhere?"

The next words jisung heard made him froze

"Mrs hwang is coming"

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