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3rd person pov

The place they were invited was Grand... It was an mansion like hyunjin's one... There were reporters waiting outside to take pictures of everyone

Jisung and hyunjin were inside the car..."why are there so many photographer and reporters?! It's not an award show"

" They are here to take pictures for their magazines and want to know more about the event"Jisung made a '0' shape his mouth and nodded...they both got out of the car and the flashes were on them

Jisung walked beside hyunjin guiding him... girls were screaming squealing seeing them together and hyunjin and jisung both were confused about it... hyunjin stood and did a quick fake smile thing and posed for some pictures

Jisung moved aside and stood far so he doesn't get in Hyunjin's pictures.. everyone were taking pictures suddenly a photographer stopped and looked at jisung

Jisung was confused but gave him a smile

"Han ssi can you please stand here? We would like to take your photos too" jisung widened his eyes... hyunjin also looked a bit surprised

"Pardon....?"Now all the reporter and photographers stopped taking pictures they were looking at jisung.. waiting for jisung to stand beside hyunjin so they can take the pictures

"Han-ssi please can you stand beside Mr hwang? We would like to photograph you both together"jisung didn't know what to do so he just went near hyunjin and stood beside him giving a smile with a very much awkward posture

"Can you both make heart?" Jisung blushed a bit hearing that..they both showed finger hands..the photographers face palmed yet they clicked the pictures

" Can you both please make a heart together? You know with han-ssi's left heart and hyunjin-ssi's right hand.. like this"two reporters showed them by making an heart together

Hyunjin and jisung both knew what the reporters wanted but they tried to ignore it but guess the reporters were more intelligent than them

Hyunjin sighed knowing he couldn't say no to them as it would be impolite..he grabbed jisung's waist and pulled his closer he made a half heart with his hand waiting for jisung to complete it..

Jisung looked a bit hesitant but soon made a heart when he heard everyone's squeal and screams

They were also told to do the cheek hearts pose.. hyunjin and jisung brought their faces closer their cheeks touching..they winked at the camera's and made a half heart on their cheeks

After the photo section was over everyone thanked them and they went inside the Mansion..today hyunjin and jisung definitely stole the spotlight

They both went inside.. soon namjin, changlix, jeongin and yoonmin arrived..

Jisung was very much fascinated with the mansion.. it was in vintage theme... The mansion give of those 90s vibes

Many big CEO'S were there and as usual hyunjin being the cold person he is didn't approach anyone... He just stood still with a wine glass in his hand looking unbothered as hell... But it didn't go unnoticed that everyone was just looking at him

Changbin, jeongin and namjoon were also greeting other companies CEO's managers while hyunjin stood still

Felix was running behind changbin going everywhere he went.. but jisung was getting a bit bored cuz he couldn't go anywhere as hyunjin didn't move an inch from his place

Soon some other CEO and business man came to greet him.. hyunjin politely greeted them but he didn't even bother to ask or stir any conversation he just gave replies for whatever people ask

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