Hyunjin (Special)

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Hyunjin's pov

After firing countless personal secretary I lost the hope of getting a good secretary.. but that thought changed when a certain squirrel looking boy applied for my personal secretary's post.

I went to the cafe with a great entry and told him personally that he was selected..cool right? I know! After all it's me heh...but that wasn't our first meet.. you all are confused right

Let's go back a bit more to the flashback

It was 1 day before my birthday..I was devastated as always but that day a bit more. My mom was the reason as usual and what made it more worse was my birthday.

I hated this day. This day reminded me about my existence. This day reminded me that just how much of a burden I was for my mom for everyone...

All I wanted was just a peaceful day but I can't even have that? I hate my whole existence just cuz of my mom .. she made me believe that I shouldn't exist... And this is how I ended up in front of han river

I was definitely not here to chill or see the view ... I wanted to DIE and to end my sufferings but fuck my life ! I was finally sick of all this ! I just took my car keys and left the house


My car broke down in the middle of the road. and guess what I didn't bring my phone and neither my wallet.. but who cares ? I was going to die after all so I don't need to know all such stuff .

I wish I was right cuz after walking half an hour I reached the han river panting like a dog. It felt like I would die even before jumping from the river

I thought of resting for some minutes...or else I would surely die..but wait didn't I actually came here to die ? Nevermind forget it.. I was going to die in the end so I thought wasting a few minutes won't do anything.. I walked a bit further and searched for a nice place to rest..

It was also a full moon night.. so I thought of having a good peaceful nap before napping permanently and who knew that this nap would change my whole life

There... It was there I saw him. Lying on the grass with a cup noodles and many beer can empty beside him

He was drunk.. and that "him" is undeniably none other than Han Jisung

I froze when I first saw him... His eyes were closed probably fell asleep from drinking way too much.. he looked worn out and drunk as hell but believe me... I never laid my eyes on such a pretty thing before

His pretty eyelashes were sparkling under the moonlight.. he had heart shaped lips.. he was smiling to himself in his dream... Probably dreaming about his favourite stuff

But seeing him did something to me... I have looked at many views in my life ..and each one were just so pretty but looking at this person in front of me right now everything felt bland...

Maybe it was his effect..He looked... happy... something I always wanted to experience.. I went near him ..I poked his hand.......with my leg

there was no way I was going to touch this drunk stranger, no matter how much beautiful pretty he is cuz in kdrama's usually in such situations the drunk one vomits all over the savior and then their love story starts or they accidentally end up having sex which leads to a love story too and right now I absolutely had no intention of love... specially with a boy since I already got scolded by my dear mother

I kicked him lightly to wake up ..but bro didn't wake up..I bend down and searched for his phone..

I WASN'T STEALING IT! I was just trying to make an urgent call..

I dialed my driver's number and told him to bring a car for me... suddenly I didn't want to die..I wanted to experience the same thing,the same feeling which I saw in this squirrel like boy's face

I sat down beside him but at a decent distance.. I admired his face for another 10 minutes.. "is he aware about just how much beautiful he is ...?" I asked to myself.. weird right? But suddenly everything felt good near him..

Soon my car came and I had to leave.. but before leaving I covered him with a blanket which I took out from my car.. I always had extra blankets and pillow in my car cuz often I would sleep in my car..I didn't want to go home and hear her lectures so car was the best place

And also you guys will be like ' be a gentleman take him home blah blah' but bro is dead sleep how the hell would I know his address and drop him. I can't take him in my home too..

And with a last look I left.. I believed that it's our first and last meet .. but who knew that it was just the beginning... And this little crush of mine would be in love with me

I honestly had a hard time controlling myself everytime he would be near me.. I just wanted to hug him all the time and keep him close to me.. but that wasn't possible.

But when he proposed me I was extremely shocked.. I did like him but I wasn't sure about my feelings also the fear of my mom .. the moment he proposed me , he looked so happy.. it was that same expression of him which I absolutely adored.. but then it turned into a frown.. a sad expression and I hate to say that I was the reason of his sadness.. I ran ... I ran far away... I didn't want to face him or anyone

The few days went by me ignoring him totally.. I didn't want him to fall for me cuz I would never be a good option for him... I didn't even have my own life how will I make jisung a part of it ?

I didn't want him to fall for me but when he said that he would get over this stupid crush hurted me. But didn't I want this ? To forget me ?

Every time he would overtime I would stay late for him. Stare at him through the glasses.. admire his face.. he would puff his cheek in annoyance whenever he did any mistake or how he would do a lil dance after finishing his work ..it was adorable.. everything about him was adorable.. many times I tried buying snacks for him coffee for him.. but each time I was late.. there were many people for him already.. and with that I had to throw away the food I would buy for him..

And like this I believed that I wasn't for him.. there was no need of me in his life.. each day I felt like my appearance or disappearance won't make any changes in his life

And when I was finally realizing my love for him my mother just had to fix my wedding with someone whom I see as my sister... WOW marrying someone who is like your sister.. what in the sweet home Alabama is this ?

But even in this jisung helped me.. he just has the solution of everything.. he makes my life more fun and easy

We were finally bonding but KIM JONG-IN just had to come and ruin it.. but he treats jisung more nicely than me.. who knew the famous playboy would become a gentleman..jisung smiles around him a lot too... They go on dates , spend time together, even the office ships them..

Now even our friends started to ship them.. It felt like jisung was never interested in me .. did he already move on? Is he in love with jong-in ? My mind was filled with various thoughts and all of them were about only one person..


what are you?

What have you done to me?

Why can't I stop thinking about you?

Do you love jong-in?

Do you still like me?

Do I still have a chance?

Did I already lose you?

But then again you were never mine to Begin with.

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