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Jisung was sitting on the sofa with hyunjin's breakfast on the tea table while talking with jeongin on phone.. Hyunjin was still taking shower

Jisung and jeongin were face timing..jeongin was showing him the Lighting and decoration for the last time and waiting for his approval.. Jisung didn't undress that why jeongin needed his confirmation in the first place but he thought maybe jeongin was feeling insecure about his work and was nervous since the whole function thing was messed up

"It's all ok right baby? Oh and what about the food and the chairs- what about the stage lighti-"

"Calm down innie.. Everything is perfect.. Have faith in yourself baby bread" jisung said trying to calm jeongin and it worked..

Jeongin gave jisung a smile and they ended the call..

"Baby...?" A voice said behind jisung.. Jisung flinched at the sudden and turned around... He gulped at the sight.. Hyunjin.. Hwang hyunjin was standing behind him only with a white towel wrapped around his waist..the smell of freshly made coffee and vanilla hitting his nose..Jisung immediately turned back.. Hyunjin chuckled and went near.. He placed his hands on the sofa and leaned forward..

"Han look up"that's it.. The dominate tone of hyunjin.. Jisung visibly gulped and looked up.. Their faces were close.. Hyunjin's face was on top of jisung.. Jisung could see hyunjin clearly now

Hyunjin just now returned from shower.. His hair was still wet.. Small droplets of water ran down through his nape to his shoulder.. Some hair strands were in front of hyunjin's face.. The small droplets of water from his bangs fell on jisung's cheeks and lips

Hyunjin followed the water droplet which ran down through hyunjin's neck to his collarbone and to his chest.. Jisung's face was on fire.. He didn't even know where to look right now..

Should he look at hyunjin's face?should he follow the droplets of water? Should he look at hyunjin's plum lips? Should he look at hyunjin's veiny arms or should he look at hyunjin's perfect toned chest and collarbone? Should he look at hyunjin's waist or his v line which was showing even with the damn towel

All his thoughts were vanished when he felt a warm hand on his cheeks.. It was hyunjin's hand.. Hyunjin wiped the water droplets on jisung's cheeks with his thumb..hyunjin was slowly leaning down.. Jisung was drowned onto those brown orbs..jisung closed his eyes.. He could feel hyunjin's warm breathe on his lips.. Soon their noses were touching.. Just as both were about to press their lips against each other jisung remembered something

"It was a heat of the moment"

Jisung stopped and turned his head in right direction which caused hyunjin's lips to be placed on jisung's round cheek instead of jisung's lips..

Jisung and hyunjin both opened their eyes.. And hyunjin swore he saw tear on the side of jisung's eye..hyunjin backed away as soon as he saw that.. He don't know if his eyes are deceiving him or not but the sight pained him a lot.. He doesn't know why but everytime he sees jisung he feels a pull.. He just want to kiss jisung then and there.. He wants to feel jisung's skin.. He wants to keep jisung close to him.. Hyunjin never felt something like this.. So he thought that maybe it was lust or the side effect of living alone for so long.. Only if he knew that it was......

Jisung stood up from the sofa and turned around looking at hyunjin.. "Hyunjin your breakfast is ready.. Eat it and then you have to get ready" jisung said looking normal as if he and hyunjin weren't almost kissing

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