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3rd person pov

Jisung couldn't move his feets...it was as if they were jammed to the ground.. he was having a huge contemplation with himself in his mind

Was hyunjin scared because jisung proposed him so quickly or did he really not liked jisung in that way.. thousands of question running inside his head and he knew all his questions answers was hyunjin... Hwang Hyunjin... Only he could answer jisung's all questions but the man was long gone..

After standing on the same spot for 10 minutes straight he moved.. he went to minchan's house to collect his things for going home

As soon as he opened the door he saw everyone looking at him with great anticipation... Waiting to welcome the newly couple but unfortunately there was no newly couple instead there was actually no couple.. it was just only jisung.. everyone looked behind jisung waiting for hyunjin to come out.. but hyunjin never came

All of them had a pitiful expression on their faces while jeongin was utterly confused about what was going around him... Few minutes ago everyone was happily dancing wishing each other happy new year then suddenly what happened

He saw the devasted and lonely look on jisung's face.. he was about to approach jisung but seungmin held him from doing so saying that it wasn't the right time to do so.. on the other hand jisung looked at chan and saw chan smiling sadly.. chan has that look on his as if he already knew this was going to happen

Jisung went near chan and stood in front of him staring at him angrily.."you knew it right?"Chan didn't say anything instead just looked down and sighed sadly

Hot tears started to run down through jisung's cheeks.. "that's what you guys were talking about right?! You knew this all along yet you let me do this and made a fool out of me in front of everyone!" Jisung screamed at chan's face pointing his finger accusingly at chan

Jisung just ran from there and went inside a nearby room locking it from inside so that no one can't enter.. meanwhile Minho and others were confused as hell..

"Chan what is jisung saying? You knew about what!?" Minho asked chan while calling him without any honorifics and that's when chan knew he fucked up..

" I knew that hyunjin doesn't believe in love and isn't in love with jisung"that's all it took Minho to take a knife from the kitchen and attack chan but thankfully changbin and Felix were there to stop him..

Meanwhile yoongi ,Lisa, ryujin and namjoon were standing in front of jisung's door trying to talk with him

But jisung wasn't ready to listen anyone but still after minutes of begging and pleading jisung opened the door and yoongi got inside..

Yoongi sat on the bed while jisung was sitting by the window staring outside while sniffling lightly..

There was a awkward silence between them ..yoongi was the introvert type and jisung was the extrovert type so yoongi didn't know how to start talking or how to comfort jisung

"Aish~" yoongi sighed deeply while jisung just chuckled hearing the sudden sigh from yoongi..

"Did you really sighed instead of comforting me?" Jisung asked..yoongi nervously scratched his head and smiled cutely like a cat

Jisung smiled and sat near yoongi..."listen kiddo I like you a little bit so that's why lemme get this straight" yoongi said while jisung tried to control his little smile hearing yoongi say he likes him a little bit

"You know it must sucks to suffer from a rejection but there's a good thing in it...if chan have told you then you wouldn't propose him and then you would blame chan and yourself for your whole life claiming that maybe if you tried then you could change hyunjin's mind but see now you don't have any regret"

"Woah that was bitter"

"Reality is bitter you know"

"Yeah yeah you're right hyung but I really love hyunjin" jisung said in a low voice with a sad smile

"If you are really destined with him then soon he would come running to you and besides try your best to make him fall in love with you"

"But I already ruined the chance..he rejected me"

"So what! That little shit's opinion doesn't matter"jisung's eyes widened hearing this

"But hyung chan hyung said that I can't force him"

"You aren't forcing him and it's evident that he likes you ... didn't you saw his expression while dancing...I am sure he likes you but he himself didn't realize it yet so I am telling you not to give up and pursue him while staying a Friend"

"Woah hyung that somewhat sounds a bit..... illegal"

" You don't know anything come here lemme tell you what you have to do" yoongi said and whispered something to jisung and jisung's face brightened

Maybe he should try one more time and if it still doesn't work then he should give up

"Now get your ass over downstairs now and talk with everyone..Minho almost killed chan with a knife" they both chuckled and went downstairs..

But still now matter how he smiled it still hurted to be rejected by your first ever love.. but jisung was thankful that his homies didn't comfort him..cuz he wasn't ready to face them or talk to them


In this story jisung is that type of person who is ready to be crushed down and ignored several times by his loved ones but still won't give up that's why this chapter doesn't have that much angst but real angst is coming soon..and I chose yoongi to comfort jisung because there's some points in our life where we can't believe our besties cuz we think they say good things to us only bcz they pity us so when a stranger/outsider says the things to us we realize that it's actually true

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