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3rd person pov

Jisung was right now laying on chan's chest while minho was rubbing his back.. Seungmin making cheese cake for jisung while Felix Peepering jisung with kisses.. They were at minchan's house...All of them were trying to comfort and cheering up the crying squirrel aka han jisung

Ya all must be wondering what happened so let's go into flashback

*flashback brought to you by JAY WHY PEE*

Both jisung's and hyunjin's lips were connected to each other.. It was like they were meant to be.. Their lips fitted together like puzzle pieces..both were getting out of breath but none of them wanted to pull away from each other.. Both wanting to savour the moment to the fullest

Their hands were getting numb bcz of the cold.. Face deep red but none of them could tell that was it bcz of them being out of breath or bcz of the cold.. At first the kiss was slow but as time passed away it became more heated.. Hyunjin was constantly pulling jisung closer to him by his waist Even though there was no space left between them but hyunjin didn't cared about it.. He just wants jisung closer to him.. He nibbled on jisung's bottom lip

Soon it was getting both overwhelming and difficult for jisung to kiss back at the Same pace with hyunjin.. He tapped on hyunjin's shoulder telling him that he can't hold it anymore and he needs to breath now.. Hyunjin took the que and detached his lips from jisung's.. But before that he didn't forgot to give a bite on jisung's lower lips

As soon as they parted both caught their breaths and panted heavily.. Jisung's arms were still around hyunjin's neck while hyunjin's arms were securely wrapped around jisung's waist

As they breathed they could feel the warm airs mixing together.. They could feel the others warm breath on each other's lips.. Their lips were red, swollen and glossy..

For jisung's it was the best snow in his life.. For hyunjin too..jisung looked up and hyunjin also looked down.. Both of their eye's on each other.. There was a hunger in each other's eyes.. Hunger for one another..but there was also passion and sincerity

Jisung was about to lean again but as their lips met hyunjin seems to understand what was happening around him.. Theirs lips brushing against each other.. Jisung's eyes closed while hyunjin's eyes were open looking straight at jisung's face

Hyunjin had a unreadable expression on his face.. "It's getting colder.. Let's go inside" hyunjin murmured against jisung's red swollen lips..the tone was neither harsh or soft but this tone surely didn't had the warmth it used to be when hyunjin talks with jisung..Jisung removed his lips from hyunjin's and nodded his head.. They both Went inside.. But before they left jisung took the orchid and pink tulip with him ...both flowers looked extremely gorgeous together just like hyunjin and jisung

Hyunjin told jisung to check his closet and wear something warm.. Jisung didn't said anything and went straight inside jisung's room

While jisung was searching for something warm to wear hyunjin was drinking the fruit chocolate drink

The cinnamon sprinkles and some cream getting on his lips and he ate the fruits and creams from the spoon.. Then he drank with the straw.. The flavour of fruits and dark chocolates filling his mouth.. It was a bit sweet and a bit bitter... But nothing compared to the taste of jisung's lips.. The feeling of jisung's lips still lingered on his own lips. He wondered if jisung also felt the same or not..

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