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3rd person pov

"You can go in your own car" hyunjin said while glaring at jong-in

"Hey! Don't be so mean Hwang Hyunjin! I didn't bring my car I came here with my friend" jongin said with a ridiculously fake pout on his face... anyone would call it cute...but Hyunjin wanted to puke right now... Hyunjin cringed Hard seeing it

"Then you can go with them"

"They won't be leaving the party anytime sooner besides mom told us to come your house... So take me with you too"

"No .. I can book a taxi for you"

"Oppa I brought my car- ouch!" Dahyun held her Feet in pain.. jisung quickly came to help her asking if she is ok

"Don't worry jisung I am fine just stub my toe I guess"she said while glaring at Kai

Hyunjin sighed and send the driver home...he went inside the car and sat on the driver's seat...he was waiting for jisung to come sit beside him as jisung always sits there

"hyunjin let me drive"jisung said

" It's ok sung.. I'll drive today"jisung nodded and opened the passenger seat but Dahyun stopped him

" Uhm jisung I'll sit here you can sit in the back"

" No ..you should sit in the back it'll be more comfortable for you Dahyun-shi"

" It's okay..I actually sit in the front always"jisung nodded and opened the door for her.. Dahyun thanked him while jong-in was laughing at the back seeing his sister's acting

Hyunjin was already seated and was waiting for jisung to sit beside him...but to his surprise it was Dahyun who sat in the front... hyunjin fixed the front mirror and saw that jisung was in the back seat with none other than jongin beside him who looked like he would jump on jisung any time..he just had that look in his eyes

Hyunjin sighed in frustration and started driving hoping that they can reach hyunjin's house in a minute and this painful ride ends soon but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon cuz it would take more than half hour to reach hyunjin's house from here

Hyunjin cursed and blamed yeonjun in his mind for this Even though yeonjun had no connection with it... He just invited everyone to his party

Dahyun played the radio and a song started playing... The voice sounded familiar.. hyunjin Dahyun and jongin were pretty focused on the song trying to recognize the voice while jisung was sinking in his seat..

Yeah you got that right! It's jisung's voice.. hyunjin looked at jisung through the mirror.. others were also looking at jisung

"Is it your voice...?" Jong-in asked... jisung shyly nodded his head..."damn! It's great!" Dahyun said

"I agree your voice is awesome sung" hyunjin also complimented

"Tell me the song name! And your Instagram account"jong-in said... hyunjin glared at Kai knowing he not only asked about the song but also jisung's Instagram..he was surely taking advantage of this situation way too much

" The song name is Alien... it's a bit weird name...hehe" hyunjin immediately took a note of that..he was surely gonna go home and hear jisung's angelic voice on loop

"What are you even saying jisung?! It's unique just like you"
Jong-in then handed his phone over to jisung and jisung typed the name and gave it to Kai

Kai didn't waste any second and immediately tapped on the follow button

Jisung's phone made a sound.. hyunjin wanted to smack jisung's head now with a frying pan he was this much annoyed

"Oppa did you really followed someone?! Wow that's something new!" Dahyun said while Kai smirked looking at jisung.. jisung wouldn't stop blushing

Kai had a great popularity but never followed anyone... It was something new... Jisung was also very much famous.. so this new thing was definitely gonna stir up new tea among the fans

"Jisung is not someone he is-"


"Hyunjin?! What are you doing?!"

Everyone went into panic mood... Their screams were horrifying... They almost had an accident

They all were breathing heavily..." You guys should talk less while driving! I can't focus "hyunjin said while gripping the wheel right.. Well it wasn't the actual reason though.. he just didn't want Kai to complete that freaking sentence but he could do it in a more decent way...

Jisung got out of the car and opened hyunjin's seat door.. he pulled out hyunjin and made him seat in the back... No one dared to say anything as they all were scared for their life

Jisung sat in the driver's seat and drove the car... Everyone dead silent in the car.. they surely didn't want any other chaos or almost dying situation

Hyunjin took out his phone and did something..he stared at Kai and Kai stared at him

It was going to be a disaster in the morning... Hyunjin only follows his company official account and Kai doesn't follow anyone... But they both followed jisung on the same date and kinda on a similar time too

That was definitely not good... hyunjin himself doesn't know why he did it...but he felt like he was losing something and he would never lose against Kai

While jisung was unaware of all these things.. right now he wanted nothing more than to just go home and sleep for hours... He was exhausted as hell

Dahyun fell asleep in the car already while Kai and hyunjin were looking in opposite directions.. the front row was having a calm silence while the back row was basically killing each other in their mind

Soon they finally reached the house... Kai pretended to sleep when they reached hyunjin's mansion... So unfortunately hyunjin had to carry Dahyun inside... While jisung and Kai stayed at the behind..

Jisung got out of the car about to leave just then Kai also came out... He held jisung's hand and pulled him towards him pinning him against the door

Before Kai could even say or do something a loud ding noise was heard... Kai pulled jisung too hard and jisung clashed into the car..

He held his head in pain... "I-i I am sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you" jong-in's kdrama moment was totally ruined

Just then hyunjin came and pushed jong-in... "Your mom is calling you go inside" hyunjin said to Kai... Kai had no other choice but to leave

Now hyunjin and jisung were alone... Jisung was expecting hyunjin to say something or uhmm.... Do something... But hyunjin kinda looked anxious and afraid

He called one of his driver and told him to drop jisung off as it was late night and it won't be safe to go alone at such hour...

Jisung was disappointed but didn't say anything... He thanked hyunjin and went away...

Meanwhile there was someone else who was watching all this... It was none other than hyunjin's mom aka Mrs hwang

She was amused seeing the scene between Kai and jisung... And she definitely had thought of a plan for this

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