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3 r d  p e r s o n  p o v

The function was going awesome.. everyone was liking the set up, the new outfits and the performances..it was almost giving a concert vibes..it was showed live on TV and YouTube channels and fans were going crazy over it.. already 25 million people were watching the live from their phones

Everyone was enjoying the function except one person and that's hyunjin.. don't get him wrong..he obviously liked the decorations and the performances but two things were bothering him..

One was jisung and two was jisung and jeongin.. first thing was jisung changed his outfit.. now hyunjin and jisung were not matching anymore.. besides the outfit jisung wore now made jisung look extremely hot and gorgeous..and seeing jisung like this hyunjin's mind drifted to many unholy places..he just wanted to lock jisung in a room right now and do things with him but unfortunately he can't

Second was jisung and jeongin's closeness..they were all over each other.. jisung was sitting on jeongin's lap and jeongin was back hugging jisung

This was just a normal clingy behavior of close friends but this normal clingy close friend behavior was itching hyunjin too much.. the sight wasn't pleasing not even a slight bit.. don't take hyunjin wrong..he likes both of them but he doesn't like both of them together

But it was wrong for hyunjin to feel this way..he doesn't like jisung romantically and whom jisung is with or hugging is none of hyunjin's business..but he still Wants to separate them..so with a lame excuse he approached jisung and jeongin..he was about to tell jisung to bring something so that he can separate both jisung and jeongin but changbin beat him to it

"Hey middle child it's time for your performance"changbin said.. hyunjin stopped..he narrowed his eyes and gave a questioning look

"Ahem..what middle child and what performance?"hyunjin asked behind changbin.."oh hi jinnie..so here jisung is our middle child..I mean me chan and jisung started a group named 3racha and sungie is the middle child and today is his first performance"changbin said with a proud look

Hyunjin let out a dramatic scream and pointed a finger at changbin.."you ungrateful friend..I share my all secrets with you but you didn't tell me this...""stop being dramatic Jin..it wasn't even a secret.. jisung is a rapper and vocalist besides he can even produce songs so why not we all work together"

"Wait jisung can rap and sing"hyunjin asked in disbelief.."yeah.. didn't you checked his Instagram?""uh...no"then it hit hyunjin.. j.one, fans and reporters asking about jisung's performance, fans asking for hyunsung collaboration, the followers of jisung..
Dumb hyunjin never noticed it

"You idiot how come you don't know this...all you do is just work!"suddenly hyunjin became red..he was embarrassed..he was embarrassed because he didn't know nothing about jisung.. jisung was his personal Secretary he should know everything about jisung's background

"Ok..so I understand all this things..but why jisung is the middle child? isn't he supposed to be the maknae?""Chan is the eldest among us but he is actually foive.... after him I am the eldest among us 3 so I am the first child.. jisung the middle also the maknae too and chan hyung is.... foive"hyunjin gave changbin a Are-you-out-of-your-mind look..

Changbin just ignored hyunjin and turned to jisung instead.."sung get ready.. it's time for your performance changbin again turned towards hyunjin and you be ready for your speech...after jisung's performance you and I are going to end this event"with that changbin went away

Hyunjin nodded and was about to go but suddenly he felt something warm and soft on him.. jisung was hugging him..his whole body froze..his heart was beating way too fast..he was sure that jisung could feel his heartbeat but he didn't care..he just savoured the hug

The hug made him feel Many things..the hug made hyunjin special..on top of that jisung only hugged him..all the things were making hyunjin feel special like he is the most important in jisung's heart or he holds a different place in jisung's life than others... only if he knew

Hyunjin was drinking his Americano and was standing with his other friends.. they all were waiting for jisung.. the music started.. hyunjin took a sip from his Americano and just then jisung's entry.. hyunjin choked on his Americano and was coughing like he was going to die right now while Minho was patting hyunjin's back more like hitting him..but at last no one died

The fans went wild after jisung's performance.. jisung happily came backstage.. everyone were congratulating him.. jisung thanked everyone but he was searching for hyunjin..after searching for 5 minutes he at last found hyunjin.. hyunjin was was standing in a corner with Minho.. hyunjin had a poker face

Jisung approached them but hyunjin didn't move..he called him but no answer...he then shook hyunjin's shoulder.. hyunjin snapped back into reality and looked at jisung

Hyunjin let out a dramatic scream and ran away.. jisung looked at Minho in confusion and asked"what happened to Mr hwang?is he ok? Should I call the doctor""no jisung he is totally fine.. your performance was too hot so hyunjin needs some time to cool down besides I think he is going to accept you when you would propose him on new years eve"with that Minho winked at him

Jisung became red hearing that..he was getting more confident and sure day by day that hyunjin would accept his love and the feelings are mutual

"I-i'll check jeongin"jisung said and ran away from minho

Happy Ramadan to all my Muslim readers!!are ya all fasting?cuz I am! Btw what do you think about hyunjin's feelings?is he gonna accept or reject?

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