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3rd person pov

When it was afternoon jisung woke up everyone except hyunjin.. Hyunjin was still sticking to him like a koala. "Sorry..baby, He is a bit clingy while sleeping" said jeongin.. Jisung just shook his hand

Jisung calmly shook the koala boy but no response.. He bent down a bit and tried to remove hyunjin's hand which was tightly wrapped around his biceps

He struggled a bit to remove hyunjin's tight grip from his body and as he thought he removed it a pair of eyes opened and looked at him.. It was more like glare then looking

Hyunjin was staring at jisung which made jisung froze in his place and movement... "Don't disturb my precious sleep"hyunjin said in challenging and intimidating tone which made jisung shiver

Hyunjin closed his eyes and removed his arms only to get on jisung's lap.. Yeah he was on jisung's lap now.. Arms around jisung's neck while his head was tucked in the crook of jisung's neck

Hyunjin's ass was right on jisung's crotch.. Jisung Tensed at first but then relaxed.. Jisung was about to hug hyunjin but someone was already dragging hyunjin

It was jeongin.. " wake up you clingy dramatic thing! We have to be ready for Halloween also and go to my place!!! Wake up Jinnie hyung or I am throwing hands at you "threatened jeongin

Hyunjin sighed and got up.. He held his hands in defense" see I am awake now "jeongin smirked and went away to get ready

Hyunjin looked at jisung and went to high him again.. " you are warm! I don't wanna leave you but I know if I don't leave now then innie would be sad~"hyunjin sulked

Jisung laughed at hyunjin's cuteness but soon became tense when a soft peck was placed on his neck and the warm went away.. But the burning feeling on his neck was still there

"Someone got a kiss~~~ someone got a kiss~~" minho's sang teasing jisung.. Jisung threw a pillow at him and threw himself on minho

"Shut up before I tell chan hyung that you accidentally dropped his laptop and it got a scratch on the back but you fixed it" jisung threatened

"Fine fine let's just keep yours and mine a secret ok? " minho plead

"Deal" said jisung.. "But are you guys a thing? "" I Don't know hyung... I only know hyunjin is a gay but i don't know if he is interested in me or not "

"My squirrel a chance won't hurt so why not give it a shot" Minho winked and ran away while jisung ran after him

They reached jeongin's house and each went in a room to change.. Jeongin had a big house and it was decorated in fancy and cute things

After some minutes minho came out from his room

After some minutes minho came out from his room

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