Meanwhile, Back In The Lounge...

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Author's Note: Hey, guys! So, Gear is here for this BITL, so it'll be told from his POV and, really, that's the only major difference from the original, I guess? I really don't know how else to explain it. But, without further ado, let's get on with the next BITL segment!

Your Author, Marbella. <3


Gear's POV:

Joey and Val just left to face the Dog Woman's challenge.

The room's filled to the brim with many emotions, though resentment and sorrow are the most prominent.

I think Oli wants to say something, but.... is he holding back?

He looks like he's going to break down.

Lizzie speaks up.

"Oli, if you want to say something, spit it out already. Nobody's going to criticise you." She consoled him.

With that, he speaks.

"I've been in one of these positions before." He stumbles.

The room is astonished.

"Oli, not meaning to be rude... but what the fuck are you talking about?" I ponder, confused and worried.

"So, Joey had a party at an estate he inherited in the year 1920. I was invited. Turns out the house was possessed by evil and it killed everybody except me, Joey, and this girl called Eva. I came here to apologise. Every year since something like this has happened, I've heard about it. It's been four years since that death party, you see." 

He looks down, downright terrified as he explains the situation.

"Yeah... that sounds terrible," Lana whispers, her hand on her heart. 

"Should we change the subject?"

"Yeah, sounds like a decent idea. I wanted to ask who voted Val into the challenge, anyway." Lia says.

"Oh, yeah, about that; that was me who did that. She's futile." Zach scoffs, rolling his eyes.

He did what!?

Lana just starts crying, so I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me as I hug her.

"Oh great! What is it now, you wuss?" He retorts.

Well, what is it? You've fucking upset my girlfriend, that's what it is! 
Do you want to be punched? Because I will punch you if you keep running your fucking lip off!

"It's just that... we formed an alliance, and she's in it and the fact you want her to die is breaking my heart!" Lana quavers, hugging me tighter.

OK, I love you and all, Lana, but at least let me breathe, OK? 

Lia: 'I'm now devastated. Lana, Oli, and Lizzie are crying now and Vanessa's on the brink of crying and everybody's devastated by the thought that we could lose Valentina because Zach's a bitch. This whole thing is horrible to watch.'

"Why are we all crying? Of course, she's going to die, she's a useless little brat, and she did nothing when we were in the diner!" Zach barks, not helping the situation at all.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK, BITCH!" Oli screams, still sobbing. 


With most of us upset or crying, I still try to keep a brave face as I speak up.

"Yeah, I agree with Oli; we've only been here for two hours and she's already done a lot for the team. You're taking out the best people, so we'll listen to you. I see through your lies. But there's still a chance she'll survive - she may be the one coming back." I contend, my hand on my heart as I continue to comfort Lana.

"I reject that hope," Zach mutters

Lizzie's just bawling at this point.

"Zach, shut up, your worthless pig! Nobody cares about your opinion anymore! I've had with you! I hope you die!" she explodes.

Damn, she's pissed. But, good on her for speaking up.

"Don't we all, Lizzie?" Lia bleats, flipping Zach off again.

The rooms goes quiet until we hear footsteps approaching the lounge

The footsteps then get closer and louder.

It sounds like a pair of heels. 

Is it Val?

The door to the lounge opens, all of us holding our breath...

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