Meanwhile, Back In The Lounge...

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Author's Note: Hey, guys! So, since Zach is gone at the challenge, there won't be any drama this chapter, but it will be a bit emotional. So, keep that in mind when you read. So, without further ado, let's get into it!

Your Author, Marbella. <3


Gear's POV: 

I think Valentina's having a breakdown, she seems really upset.

And I mean, it's completely understandable why; people are dying, there's a lot of fighting and hell, you need to stay on top of your game to even be safe, yet alone keep your head off the chopping block.

Oli and Vanessa are trying to calm her down, which I'm grateful for. Comforting people is... not one of my strong suits, to say the least.

But, at least she's stopped crying now.

"I just want to thank you guys for actually putting up with me for the past 5 hours, even if I have been a bad person..." She laments.

She thinks she's a bad person? What?

I mean, you weren't dumb enough to say that dice don't speak aloud, you saved Oli's life, you won a challenge and you've honestly been one of the driving forces of this team.

If that doesn't make you think you're not a bad person, I don't know what will. 

"Bitch, what the fuck are you talking about? You're a great help, don't get yourself down. Besides, Zach's just a filthy little bastard." I chuckle, Val giggling through her tears.

Phew, turns out I'm not that bad at comforting people.

"Finally, we're getting along for once! Hallelujah!" Vanessa rejoices.

Hallelujah, indeed, Vanessa!

"Yeah, despite that, you guys don't think I'm a bad person? I mean, I killed Joey and Megan." Val mewls, her head falling into her hand.

"Girl, if we thought you were a bad person, we wouldn't be in an alliance with you. Now, come on in, guys! Group hug!" Lana cheers, opening her arms.

We're all having a 5-person group hug now, me kissing Lana on the cheek doing it.

After we all pull away from the hug, we sit back down.

We end up just talking strategy and getting to know each other a bit more. Turns out we all have quite a bit in common.

I think we'll make a great team of allies.

But soon, footsteps approach the lounge.

Please don't be Zach, please don't be Zach...

The door to the lounge opens, causing us to hold our breath...

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