Chapter 34: Peculiar Possessions- Part 2

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"We face the archway that is now the lounge door and see...."


Gear's POV:

We face the archway and there's this... guy and a really weird cat.

The guy is in white t-shirt with black lightning on it, black jeans, a red leather jacket, and red and black hair and he's holding a baseball bat.

And the cat just looks almost human and she has horns.

And of course, the first thing I do is hold Lana closer to me since I don't want her getting hurt as much as I don't want to hurt myself.

And a lot of confusion is setting in.

Zach: 'So, this guy and this.... cat lady walk into our lounge and I think it's Lucian and his demon cat, Lucile.'

"Hey, so I don't know you guys, but one thing I know for sure... is that I need that choker back." The guy mutters, pointing to the choker Lana had in her hands.

OK, yeah... no.

You're not getting that, dude. Or Lana, if you want her too.

Don't even try it; I won't hesitate to snatch that baseball bat off you and beat you to death with it.

"Yeah.... no. Sorry, Lucian- I think that's what your name is anyway- but it's our artifact and we need to cleanse it, so if you would mind moving, we would really like that." Val emits, pointing at him.

"Well, listen here; that biker dude over there- yeah, Victor or something, I don't know his name and I don't care- he's got other intentions. He's lying to you. So, if that's enough to make you back down, cough that choker up right now or I will whack somebody with this thing!" Lucian shouts, swinging the baseball bat into the palm of his hand.

"But no matter! The Delamont Mistress will soon be free and she's gonna rip your goddamn hearts out." He mocks, chuckling afterwards.

Gear: 'Now, I'm confused to all hell; this Lucian guy is going on about the fact that Victor has other intentions and he's lying to us. I know he isn't working with the Delamont Mistress, so I think if he is lying, though, he's planning to fight the Delamont Mistress alone. But that's not possible, right?'

"Bullshit!" Heidi fumes, stepping between us and Lucian.

Oh, is shit 'bout to go down?

Shit's 'bout to go down, isn't it?

We- as in, us, the guests- all begin to back away to the side of the lounge, slowly edging towards the exit so we can run if things get too crazy.

"We have seven of the artifacts and you're the last thing standing between us and the final one! And my twin brother would never lie to me, so you're the liar. So, get outta here now or I'll beat the psycho right out of you, bitch!" She snarls.

Lucian immediately just burst into an evil laughing fit and me, Val, Lana, Oli, and Zach continue to inch towards the door.

And then Lucian, the privileged bitch he is, straight up bitch-slaps Heidi Heidi with his baseball bat and a huge fight breaks out.

And I'm just stood here like... what the actual fucking hell is going on?!

"Yep, we're leaving!" Zach shouts.

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