Chapter 21: The Steampunk Twins- Part 1

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"I'm ready for anything..."


Gear's POV:

So, now we're in Laceline Rockettes, having a few drinks and trying to figure out how to move forward with our plan in the night.

Especially now that we have not only a drama king and a girl in love with me on our case, but also Vanessa mourning over Veronica, which is completely understandable, but still not a very practical situation.

Not to mention the animosity.

"Well, I'm over this shit; all of our friends are dying." Val groans, exhausted.

"Yeah. And Veronica was one of our last hopes in terms of morale and intelligence. But she's dead, thanks to Zach, thank you very much." Oli quips.

"Bitch, if you're gonna blame anybody, blame Lia! She was in the challenge too!" Zach barks, sounding a tad drunk.

I mean, just because your wife died doesn't mean you have the right to get wasted when we're in a fucking death game! Where people are dying!

It's in the name, it should be obvious!

"Nobody misses her more than I do," Vanessa sobs.

Oh, yeah... kinda forgot she was mourning for a second.

My bad.

"I miss her so much." 

We have some space on our table, so she sits next to Lana, who gives her a hug.

And it's nice we all actually get along, even if it is only for a hot second.

"Something has changed on the map!" Heidi interjects.

Me, Val, Lana, Oli, and Vanessa lift our drinks off our table and put them on the bar as we look at the map.

And there's this new location; the Inventor's Shoppe.
But, there's two new messages.

The note besides the Shoppe on the map reads:

'There will be blood on all of your hands; the price of being a saviour in this town.'

"Well, that's..." I trail off, trying to find the right words.

Yeah, that should do the trick.

And then, there's the second note.

That one reads:

'The Inventor's children have changed. All they want to do is run around and spin in circles, yet they always argue about which horse to ride. Maybe you can help them?'

"So, we need to go to the merry-go-round, I'm assuming?" Lana ponders.

We all just nod and race outside to the merry-go-round. 

When we get there, we find a box, a red button, and a note on top of the box.

Now, the note reads:

'The Steampunk Twins have a game they like to play with their late father's goggles; they would put them on and jump on a horse whilst the merry-go-round was still spinning. To claim the goggles and cleanse them, you must play this game. One horse is marked with a green gear on its saddle. Whilst the merry-go-round is spinning, one of you must jump and sit on the horse. Only once you have succeeded at this game will you claim the Inventor's Goggles.'

"Anybody here any good at jumping on horses?" Vanessa probes, confusion on her face.

Bitch, I don't wanna die; people get killed by those things!

Valentina: 'One thing people don't know about me; I'm very good at jumping on moving horses. I used to jump on a lot of moving merry-go-rounds as a kid, so this is my time to prove I'm a bad-ass motherfucker without revealing my past.'

"Well, I'll do it. I don't care if I get hurt, at least I tried." Val prattles, looking pretty damn confident.

I mean, I get it's a merry-go-round horse, but still, let's hope she doesn't get hurt.

So.... she's going to do that and, at this point, I just kinda zoned out, to be honest, waiting until we could get moving again.

And then, she came back. 

"OK, now that's what I call a bad-ass!" I state, surprised. 

I still saw what was happening, by the way, I just didn't really care.

But now, this box has popped open.

And the goggles are inside of it, as well as a note and a key.

Oli grabs the note and reads it.

It reads: 

'To cleanse the Inventor's Goggles, you must first use this key to go to the shop and complete the trials blocking you from the Toxic Chambers. Only once they have been discovered will you be able to cleanse the goggles. But first, I would recommend you turn around...'

And we turn around.
There's twins stood behind us.

This is really fucking confusing.

Except they look creepy as hell.

And they have knives.

Yeah, OK, these things are trying to kill us and we are fucked.

Lia: 'So, these two steampunk bitches are looking at us all funny. And then, suddenly, they break into full-on Olympian running. Like, full speed racer chasing us!'

These twins just speed towards us faster than we can predict. 

Everybody's screaming and we're just sprinting off as fast as we can.

Because, like I said, this is a death game.

So, we need to get to this shoppe.

Val, Oli, Lia, and Zach are the first ones to the shoppe, me and Vanessa close behind.

But... the girls must've been stood up for ages in that jail cell because Lana's struggling to run and DEAR GOD, THE TWINS ARE ABOUT TO FUCKING STAB HER!

Gear: 'So, the rest of us are here, but Lana is really struggling to run in her heels so I'm like, 'Fuck this shit, I'll be back', and I'm saving my girlfriend.'

OK, that's it; I gotta do this.

"Cover me, guys!" I blurt out, racing away from the shop.

"Gear, what are you doing?!" Oli howls.

I'm doing something I should've done when we first started running over here, to answer your question.

I grab Lana by the hand and we both just start sprinting back, the twins close behind.

"Get the door open!" Heidi urges.

Val gets the door unlocked, kicks it open, and we all hurry inside, barricading the door with a plank as we enter.

And... Lana's still alive. Thank God.

"Lana, it's OK; you're fine, we're still alive." I whisper, kissing her on the lips.

Now that we were all inside and I've stopped kissing Lana, we needed to figure out what shit we got ourselves into this time.

We turn to face the shop and see...


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