Scarring Swords: Prologue

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Narrator/3rd Person POV:

Victor and Heidi, the mayor's twin children, were sitting outside of the drugstore, Heidi doing some work on her motorcycle and Victor reading a book.

It seemed like a normal day in Delamont; well, except the fact that many people had left town recently, which was rather unsettling, but Victor and Heidi thought little of it.

Suddenly, a whoosh was heard in the distance. 

Victor and Heidi both turned around to see a purple and black smoke cloud emerge. 

From that cloud, a black and dark purple Victorian carriage emerged, pulled by horses, but without somebody leading the horses.

"What the? Dad didn't say we had company soon." Heidi breathed, putting her wrench down and standing up. Victor just looked to the side, closing his book.

Soon, a strange lady stepped out of the carriage. She was wearing a dark purple gown, black and purple fingerless gloves which reached to her elbows, and black sharpened nails on her fingertips.

She had a grave and unreadable amber gaze, horns atop her head, and jet black hair tied into two buns at the back of her head.

Victor looked over at a nearby convenience store and saw him and his sister's childhood friend Callie, who had a lollipop in her hand.

Heidi was still fixated on the lady. 

She somehow could summon a series of tables and metal balls, each with something in them, a sword in the center with five stones- one yellow, one green, one purple, one blue, and one large red one- placed carefully on its handle standing on a pedestal in the centre of the tables.

Callie approached the lady setting up the tables, much to the confusion and fear of the twin children.

"What the fuck is she doing?!" Victor whisper-shouted, getting increasingly frustrated. He put his arms out in front of Heidi, wanting to protect her.

"I don't know, but this is fishier than the vodka at Laceline Rockettes." Heidi speculated, a puzzled look on her face.

"Hey, Miss?" Callie called out, making the lady turn around to the source of the sound. 

"Need a hand over there?"

"I think it's you who could use a hand..." The lady grinned, pushing some hair from her face. She had a wicked smirk painted on her face as she stared Callie down.


"H... how do you know my name?" Callie gasped, jumping back and dropping her lollipop on the floor in front of her.

"I know a lot about you, Callie." The lady divulged a twisted shine in her eyes as her smirk persisted. 

"Your father thinks you're the worst mistake he ever made and you haven't booked yourself a show in weeks."

Victor and Heidi looked at each other, their mouths gaping wide open; this lady was telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Callie is a sword swallower, usually performing at circuses outside of Delamont for a living, where she is known as 'Sword-Swallowing Sally'.

But after her mother died, she stopped getting bookings and her dad became near abusive to her.

"But what I need right now...." The lady resumed, approaching the sword in the centre of the tables and pulling it from its stand.

"Is a sword swallower."

"This isn't very safe right now... Heidi, get your bike; we're going." Victor urged, running off.

Heidi grabbed her bike by the handles and ran as fast as she could without riding it as they both ran away.

Callie had taken the sword after Victor and Heidi had run away and gone back home. As she turned the sword around in her hand, she became obsessed with it, unable to let go of it.

And then her father entered the room.

"Rosewood Circus called; they've cancelled their booking again, Cal... Callie?" Her father whimpered.

 This wasn't the Callie he knew and loved; something had happened to her.

"Nice to see you too..." Callie scorned before slashing her father's stomach open, spilling blood on the floor.


Her father fell dead on the floor as she opened the door to her house and ran to the tables the lady from before had set up.

She was no longer Callie.

She was Delamont's Sword Swallower...

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