Saw you Last Night With a Friend

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Katsuki thought his life was going to be so much easier when he started UA. He would finally be able to just put all of his focus on becoming a hero and not have to deal with all of the extra shit. He'd been looking forward to three years of putting his nose to the grindstone and only coming up to breathe when he graduated and had his license.

Sure, his therapist was a little concerned by how convinced that was going to be the case he was but it was fine. He was fine. So long as he got to leave most of the bullshit behind.

And then the fucking League of Villains happened.

And then the sports festival went sideways fast thanks to Half n' Half

And then Stain almost killing one of their classmates because he was stupid enough to go into a fight without backup.

All of it leading up to the fucked up situation he was in now, chained to a chair in a musty smelling bar surrounded by villains.

A part of him registered the bullshit coming from the leader's mouth but the rest of him almost refused to believe that this was his shitty lot in life. This was the exact opposite of every expectation he'd had at the beginning of the year. Or for his life in general.

A quiet voice in the back of his mind unhelpfully reminded him that he didn't even know if most of his classmates were alive right now and it was all his fault that this had happened. He hated that voice most of all.

Scratch that, he hated the bastard in front of him most of all. Shigaraki was droning on and on about how perfect he'd be as a villain and how it would be such a blow to UA and all Katsuki wanted to do was punch him in the face till he swallowed his teeth.

Katsuki's lip was curled up in a snarl, hands curling into claws within the confines of his shackles. Fuck that. Him? A Villain? Not a fucking chance. He had too much riding on being a hero. Too many things to atone for.

Before he could spit venom at the silver haired moron, though, the door of the bar was thrown open with enough force to rattle the frame. All of the assembled villains immediately were on the alert as a figure stormed into the room, stopping just inside the door and letting their eyes roam around the area. None of the villains attacked as they were sized up, most of them relaxing a little as if they knew the person.

So another villain, then. Lovely.

The snarl on his lips, though, froze completely when those eyes fell on him.

A familiar shade of green. Duller than he'd ever seen it but familiar nonetheless.

And fucking impossible.

His mouth hung open uselessly as he took in the sight of the kid he'd grown up with and had mourned for the past two and a half years.

His hair was shorter, the sides almost shaved, and he was a little bit taller than the last time Katsuki had seen him. There was also a deep, dark, rage simmering under the surface of his gaze. The way he held himself screamed that he was ready to spring into action at any moment, hands curling and uncurling at his sides as those green eyes lingered on him.

"Deku.." He breathed out, shifting in his seat to turn himself more towards the familiar stranger.

The teen shook himself out of whatever thoughts he was having, hands disappearing into the folds of his large, dark, hoodie as he whirled back to face the leader of the League of Villains without answering Katsuki.

Panic shot through Katsuki as he stalked towards the silver haired man. All his mind's eye could conjure was the picture of Aizawa during the USJ attack, broken and unconscious in a crater.

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