I wish you'd come with me

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"Okay, so, I'm kinda tired and really done with this entire situation." Izuku began, stepping out from behind Dabi and shoving his hands into his pockets. "I would like to go home, it's been a really long day."

His gaze jumped from Shigaraki to the rest of the League hovering around the rest of the room. None of them looked particularly like they wanted to jump into the middle of the situation unfolding around them. Vaguely, Izuku could make out the hazy form of Kurogi towards the back of the room.

It figured that he'd be waiting in the wings to step in if Izuku actually made a move towards Shigaraki.


Next to him, Dabi shifted a little and Izuku glanced over to find the man staring at him. His brow was cocked and everything in his expression was questioning. It wasn't the first time he'd seen the look and he doubted it would be the last. Dabi wanted to know how he thought he was going to progress forward in this situation and was understandably concerned about what Izuku was about to do.

Because while, yes, most of his plans went off without a hitch there were times like this where the situation called for a little...chaos.

Izuku let his lips pull up in a grin as he turned away from Dabi and addressed the room, fully ignoring Shigaraki's existence for the moment. Something he knew the man loathed.

"So. I don't know any of you personally but most of you have seen me before, yes? Good. I'm going to give you one warning here, ladies and gentlemen." Izuku let his gaze bounce around to each of the members present before making a sweeping hand motion. "Get out. Leave this idiot behind. It's in your best interests to vacate this shit show now because when I burn this little club to the ground, anyone who's connected with Crusty the Assclown here is getting thrown on the pire with him."

It felt like the temperature in the room dropped several degrees at his proclamation but Izuku's smile stayed in place even as Shigaraki began to snarl at him again, advancing towards him menacingly.

He had a point to make and by the gods was he going to drive it home.

"Good talk. Please be smart and don't ruin your life over a man child who only cares about destruction."

When Izuku finally looked at Shigaraki and acknowledged the man, he was closer than was comfortable. The look in his red eyes screamed murder and at Izuku's side, Dabi's flames licked up higher in response.

"Hey Toga, got a knife I can borrow?" He quipped, looking away from Shigaraki to the blonde girl who just cackled and reached into her pockets.

"Kid, you're fucking insane and I hate you. I want that on the record." Dabi grit out, stepping in front of Izuku again to block Shigaraki from advancing any further towards him.

Izuku didn't answer him, instead cackling to himself when Toga produced a knife and handed it over to him.

Vaguely he wondered how much of the building was going to survive after this.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

When Shouta, Hizashi, and Bakugo arrived at the address that Nezu had procured, there were a million possibilities for what they would find.

Every possible scenario flipped through Shouta's brain at full speed and he'd not even argued against Bakugo coming when the blond had practically kicked down the door to Nezu's office and demanded he be included in the rescue mission.

Given past experiences, if Shouta had said no he probably would have found half of the class at the address when they arrived. He didn't have the patience to deal with that tonight of all nights so he told the teen to suit up and be waiting at the gates.

As they raced across the city he tried his best to keep his mind clear and not think about every little thing that could be going wrong right now. His mind kept conjuring up the image of the hand shaped scar along Izuku's collar bone and throat and all of the implications that it provided.

Izuku hadn't been fast enough to evade the villain once, probably to near fatal results. Would he be fast enough now?

Would there be anything for them to find when the reached the hideout?

He couldn't focus on those thoughts, though, and tried his best to be logical.

Surely Izuku was smart enough to be able to stall for time. Surely he could use his connections in the League to his advantage.

Surely Dabi wouldn't let Shigaraki kill him, right?

Even Shouta knew his was desperately grasping at straws with that line of thought. Yes, Izuku had said the man had saved him but Shouta didn't have enough details there to be able to postulate what kind of relationship the two had.

All he could do was pray as they sped around corners and probably racked up a million speeding tickets as Hizashi blew red light after red light.

So when they pulled up to the address, he was not expecting the sight in front of him.

Nothing could have prepared him for the sight of the building on fire and Izuku sitting on the ground in front of it with Dabi and Toga standing next to him.

From inside the car he couldn't hear what they were saying but he watched in almost morbid fascination as Toga threw her head back to laugh as Izuku flipped Dabi off and gestured wildly at the building at the same time.

Shouta barely waited for the car to fully stop before he threw the door open and jumped out. The moment his feet touched the ground he was running towards the three of them at full speed, eyes locked on Izuku.

He knew the exact moment Izuku recognized him and realized what it meant. The teen practically jumped up off of the ground, stumbling a little to get his balance, before bodily putting himself between Shouta and the two villains.

"Dad, wait! It's not what it looks like I sw-"

The teen didn't get to finish his sentence because Shouta finally reached him, pulling him into a bone crushing hug and tucking the teen under his chin. Vaguely, Shouta could hear the kid sputtering a little before his arms came up to wrap around him and his fingers dug into Shouta's back painfully.

Behind him, he could hear Hizashi and Bakugo pause and take in the scene in front of them.

The building had obviously been condemned before tonight, the buildings around it just as run down and dilapidated as it once was. Now, though, it was engulfed in blue and red flames. The sound of the flames covered up the silence that fell heavily between the two groups as Shouta pulled back and held Izuku at arms length.

The kid looked a little worse for wear, his hoodie ripped and singed to the point that it was barely holding onto his thin frame. Injuries wise, though, at first glance he seemed to be okay. There looked to be some minor burns around his hands and face but that wasn't what drew Shouta's gaze.

It was the ring of bruises around his throat.

Bruises that were far, far, more along than they should have been if they were inflicted in the few hours that the kid had been with the League.

For a brief moment, Shouta regretted not slamming his knee into All Might's face.

However, his attention was pulled away by Hizashi who seemed to be pulled out of his state of shock and was wiggling his way between Shouta and Izuku to give the boy a hug. It was enough to pull Shouta back into the moment and he quickly snapped his gaze to the two villains standing a few feet away from them.

Toga was grinning, rocking back and forth on her heels as she watched Izuku and Hizashi. Shouta mentally cataloged her injuries, noting that her school uniform was disintegrated in several places and she seemed to be sporting minor burns as well.

No, the worst of the injuries seemed to have gone to Dabi. Blood was leaking down his face slowly, several staples having been either knocked out or pulled out during the fight. The lower half of the man's face was purple and red mostly and if the way he was holding himself was any indicator there were probably more injuries hidden by his coat.

The injuries, though, weren't Shouta's main concern at the moment. No, he was more concerned about the staring match that was going on between Bakugo and the villain. Both of them were tense and looked ready to leap at the other at the slightest wrong movement.

The tension was palpable enough that Izuku seemed to feel it as well, pulling away from where Hizashi was fussing over him enough to glance between the both of them nervously.

Bakugo broke eye contact first, surprising Shouta, after giving the fire quirked villain a short, sharp, nod. Seemingly done with whatever weird thing he'd initiated, the blonde teen stomped his way over to Izuku and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. Shouta didn't miss the way Izuku sagged into the other teen, either.

He was going to have to remind Izuku later, after everything had settled, about the 'no loud blondes' rule. And maybe make a 'no fire quirks' rule as well if the way Dabi was staring at the two of them was anything to go by.

Shouta could already feel the headache coming on from the soap opera levels of drama just waiting in the wings right now.

Izuku pulled away from Bakugo slowly, finally turning to face Shouta again with a determined look on his face. A look that did not bode well for his blood pressure, he was sure.

"This wasn't their fault. They broke me out and fought Shigaraki. The fire just...kinda got out of control." The teen's eyes briefly flickered over to Dabi who had crossed his arms over his chest and was glaring definitely at both Shouta and Hizashi.

Shouta would admit in the moment that he had no idea what to do about the man. The picture that as being painted of the man at the moment was far more than he'd anticipated and he wasn't sure he was comfortable with the light he was seeing the man in.

"We're not assigning blame to anyone but The League right now, Izuku." Shouta said after a moment, letting his shoulders creep up enough to hide most of his face in his capture weapon. "I'm willing to turn a blind eye to the property damage so long as I'm not given a reason to make any arrests from this moment forward."

His words had the desired effect of draining the tension out of Izuku's shoulders. The teen practically fell over, prompting Bakugo to reach out and steady him.

"Come on, let's go get you some medical attention." Hizashi said gently, making shooing motions towards the car at the teen.

Izuku's head shot up again and immediately he was shaking his head and gesturing towards Dabi.

"I'm fine! He needs it more than I do!"

Hizashi glanced towards Shouta and then back towards the man who was currently trying to pull his jacket up enough to cover his face as if the two pro heroes hadn't already seen the blood dripping down the bottom half of his face.

"Okay, Izuku. I'm sure Recovery Girl can do something..."

"Fuck that." The man cut Hizashi off, dropping his jacket and scowling at the blonde. "I step one foot into U.A and I'm never going to be seen again. No thanks."

Shouta and Hizashi exchanged looks again and Shouta was once again forced to feel a begrudging respect for the villain. Or whatever he was. Because he was right, honestly. Even with saving Izuku tonight the man had attacked the school once and taken a student. There was no way that Nezu was going to just let him walk out of the grounds scott free.

The rat could hold a grudge.

Izuku stumbled forward a few steps, shaking off Bakugo's hold on him. His mouth opened and closed a few times, obviously trying to figure something out. He seemed to come to the same conclusion that Shouta had about the school, shoulders slumping again with the realization.

Then he started looking around. It took Shouta a moment to realize that he was trying to place exactly where they were. Whatever he saw seemed to perk him up a little as he turned back towards Dabi.

"Granny is still near here, right? She can patch you up." Dabi shook his head, shoving his hands in his pockets and rocking back on the balls of his feet. "I used my last favor with her when your appendix burst, remember?" The statement had the attention of the rescue squad, brows furrowed from the younger blonde and worried glances between the two adults. Izuku, though, didn't seem to be perturbed by the information, instead waving his hand dismissively. "She owes me a few favors still from when I got those supplies for her last winter. Just use those. The last thing your musty ass needs is to get an infection." Izuku shot back, flashing a grin to show that he was joking at least a little bit. The dark haired man seemed to think it over for a second before nodding. Shouta watched in almost horrified fascination as Izuku's grin grew wider and the teen seemed to stop himself from moving closer to the scarred and currently bleeding man. Green eyes met black and then darted away upon the realization that Shouta was watching his every move carefully. Toga, however, broke the moment by bouncing up to Izuku and thrusting his phone into his hands with a wide grin. At the boy's confused stare she just giggled and reached up to poke her finger against his nose. "I took it when I grabbed you because I didn't want Shiggy to dust it. I put my number in it for you so we can talk sometime." The girl bounced a little on her feet again before taking a step back and waving to the whole group. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he goes to see the Doctor lady. You go home and rest, m'kay?" Seemingly off balance for the moment, Izuku let her shoo him away and didn't protest when Hizashi and Bakugo herded him back towards the car. Shouta glanced back towards the two villains only to find the street empty. Now the only thing in the road were the shadows cast by the fire blazing. Life was going to become way too chaotic for his tastes, Shouta mused as he followed his husband and student back to the car. 

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