Mama, just killed a man

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It didn't take long to put together everything they needed for the conversation with Inko Midoriya. In truth, there wasn't really much preparation that they could do. If Izuku's plan worked, the woman would be none the wiser for where her son went afterwards.

Nezu and Shouta spent the day before going over all the paperwork for Izuku's new identity and adoption. Nezu was going to push the paperwork through with his connections while they were visiting the Midoriya household.

If everything went smoothly, this whole thing would be behind them soon.

At the end of the paperworkathon Nezu leaned back in his chair and pinned Shouta with a critical stare, paws coming up as he steepled them in front of him.

"Have you given any thought to what you're going to do if what we suspect is true? What will you do if Izuku truly is the son of All for One?" He asked seriously.

Shouta pinned him with a bored stare and leaned back in his chair.

"Make sure no one ever finds out and keep him safe. I'm not going to abandon the kid, if that's what you're worried about. I'm a little insulted you'd even think it at this point." The man grumbled.

Nezu nodded and something in his posture relaxed a little. Shouta tried not to take offense to the suspicion, especially considering all he'd done so far to keep the kid happy and safe. Izuku was his kid now, he couldn't care less about the biological parents as long as they stayed away from his kid.

"I had to be sure, Shouta."

The man sighed and rubbed his hands over his face, slumping back as he nodded.

"I know. This isn't exactly known territory."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next day found Shouta escorting Izuku and Bakugo up the stairs to the apartment of a one Inko Midoriya.

The man paused outside of the door before knocking, turning to Izuku who put away his phone and wiped his hands on his pants nervously. The teenager met his questioning look evenly, though and forced himself to take a deep breath.

"We don't have to do this if it's too much, Izuku. We can leave." Shouta reiterated, placing a hand on the teen's shoulder and giving it a small squeeze.

Said teen shook his head quickly, straightening up and squaring his shoulders.

"No. I need to face her and get an explanation." He said, meeting Shouta's gaze evenly. "Besides, Dabi's already waiting nearby and if I got him out here for nothing he might actually skin me alive."

Both Shouta and Bakugo rolled their eyes at that. He kept himself from retorting though by turning to face the door and lifting his fist to knock on it.

It only took a few moments for the door to swing open and reveal Inko Midoriya, blinking at them curiously. Shouta was struck by just how much Izuku took after the woman. There was no denying that this woman was his mother, biologically speaking. He could also feel from the way Izuku stiffened up next to him that this was going to be a long conversation.

Inko's eyes moved across the three of them quickly, eyes wide as saucers as she took in her son.

"Ma'am, may we come in and discuss some things with you? It's rather important." Shouta said gently, bringing her attention back to him.

The woman nodded shakily and stepped out of the way for them to step inside. Izuku led the way down the hall into the living room, apparently still familiar with the layout of the apartment. The teen paused in the middle of the room, shoulders hunched and face carefully blank as his mother came to stand in front of him.

"My baby." She murmured finally, lifting up her hands to cup his face before drawing him into a hug. "Izuku! You're really here!"

Shouta watched the kid awkwardly hug her back before trying to wiggle his way out of her embrace. She let him go after a moment of wiggling and turned her tearful gaze.

"Let's sit down, Mrs. Midoriya. There's a lot to discuss." Shouta said evenly, nerves on edge from how absolutely uncomfortable Izuku looked as he edged his way back around to his side.

From the corner of his eye he could see Bakugo shifting around to sit on the sofa and pulling Izuku down next to him. Shouta was going to have to have a talk with the teenager and praise his instincts.

Inko sat on the sofa across from the three of them, wringing her hands and dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief.

"To begin, your son is in my custody at the moment until we sort out some things." Shouta started, leaning forward so his elbows were on his knees and he was pinning the woman in place with his stare.

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