Flies to a place where she's loved

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"You just assaulted that child in front of a pro hero. What makes you think I'm ever letting him step foot back into this house?" Shouta's voice was low and angry as he blocked the woman from following Bakugou and Izuku out of the house.

The green haired woman tried to push her way past him and he had to seriously reign in the urge to use his capture weapon on her. Instead, he stepped in her way once more. Gone was the grieving mother facade. Now there was a simmering rage in her eyes as she glared up at him.

On the surface, he could see how this woman was Izuku's mother. Under the surface, though? Nothing of this situation made sense to him.

To treat a child like this just because of the lack of a quirk? How could she be so cruel? How could she look Izuku in the face and not help him?

Just thinking of the things that Izuku described happening sent Shouta's blood boiling. How could she have looked that child in the face and told him that it was his fault.

Shouta couldn't imagine Izuku at age four crying to him and not doing everything in his power to remove the boy from whatever was causing the pain and the tears. So how could this woman who claimed to love him just ignore all of that?

"That child is mine and you have no authority to make decisions in where he goes." The woman snapped at him, voice sharp and gaze narrow. "If you continue to interfere I will have you reported to your agency and your license revoked."

"If you do that, I can promise you that you'll do jail time." Shouta didn't bother keeping the ice out of his voice as he leaned down into the woman's space. "I personally just witnessed you assault him. And if the things he says are true, then you at the very least will be charged with child neglect."

He watched his words sink in her mind and the flip switch within her. She scoffed and turned away from him, crossing her arms over her chest as she did so.

"As if the courts would believe the word of a quirkless villain over his poor mother."

The words struck something deep in Shouta's gut. His vision washed out red and for a very brief moment he wasn't sure if his quirk had activated or not. Rage pumped through his veins and he had to take a huge breath to attempt to calm himself.

"That child is one of the brightest and most caring people I've ever met in my life. Are you really so blind that you can't see the amazing child in front of you?!." He spat, frustration and anger bubbling up and trying to close his throat. "He has been through hell and all you can do is blame him for something he literally has no control over?"

The woman turned to face Shouta again, face hard and eyes cold. Suddenly the resemblance between her and Izuku was gone.

"He ruined my life." She snarled, arms uncrossing as she gestured wildly. "All he had to do was have a damn quirk! The day that doctor diagnosed him everything was ruined!"

She turned away from him, then, pacing back towards the sofa as she continued to rant.

"My life was perfect! I had a decent career! My husband was home all the time. He doted on us until that brat couldn't even manage to manifest a quirk!" The woman's eyes were wild as she looked around the apartment.

"Hisashi stopped coming home after that. He'd send money but he always had more important business. At first I tried to spare Izuku's feelings but after a while what did it matter? All he did was cry anyway so I gave up."

The woman's voice was hollow as she turned to face Shouta again. Her eyes, though, seemed to implore him to understand where she was coming from. As if he could even picture blaming a child for something they literally had no control over. As if he could understand treating Izuku the way she had.

"Then why are you not happy that he wants nothing to do with you? From your logic, you should be happy to see him go." Shouta intoned, hands flexing at his sides as he tried to keep himself under control.

The woman glared at him, shoulders coming up around her ears.

"And have him running loose? He's already a damn villain! There's no telling what he's out there destroying right now." She gestured wildly to the hallway Bakugou and Izuku had disappeared down, voice loud and tone cruel.

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