Find out who your friends are

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The transition into the dorms went smoothly and the students and teachers alike fell into an easy routine.

Most nights, Shouta would find himself settling down at one of the tables in the common room to grade or go over reports for a few hours. Was this absolutely necessary? Not really. It did, however, make him feel better.

Most of these kids were old enough to be self-sufficient but it didn't hurt to be extra cautious.

Especially after the first fire Kirishima started in the kitchen attempting to cook. It was easier to be in the area or tucked into a nearby corner to keep an eye on his hell class than it was to have to be summoned from his apartment.

Plus, it wasn't like there was anyone there but the cats until a certain time. Hizashi always worked for a few hours after classes ended at the Station and Izuku had started working on socializing with kids his own age. Shouta had no comment on how well that was going, currently. (Poorly. It was going poorly. The kid had little to no normal social skills)

Shouta lifted his gaze from the papers in his lap to scan the common room again, brow scrunching a little when he realized he hadn't seen his ward since classes had let out that afternoon.

Slightly worrying.

It was a tiny break in routine that nagged at the back of the hero's mind. Usually Izuku sat with him for a little while going over lesson plans and whatever homework Nezu had given him before wandering off to attempt to act like a normal teenager. After making little progress, he'd come back to the apartment to hang out with Shouta and Hizashi before Shouta left for patrol.

His gaze flickered through the students currently in the common room, pen tapping against the papers in his lap idly as he thought.

Uraraka, Asui, and Jirou were huddled around one table trying to make heads or tales of the homework Hizashi had assigned. Beyond them, he could see Bakugo attempting to literally beat the knowledge on their next test into Kaminari and Kirishima's heads with a rolled up paper while Sero laughed at them. He could hear Iida, somewhere out of his vision, scolding Bakugo and his group for being loud.

He was trying to recall where the rest of the class was when the elevator dinged behind him. In itself it wouldn't be something to pay attention to if he couldn't hear the yelling coming from inside of it.

The door slid open and the yelling became words instead of indistinct noise.

"-of me you stupid villain!" It was Mineta's voice and Shouta took a moment to close his eyes and steady his temper before he turned around. Izuku was holding the student by the back of his shirt off of the ground and the look on his face was nothing less than furious.

Shouta's eyes slid away from the two boys to the two other students coming out of the elevator, Ashido and Yaoyorozu walked behind Izuku as he made his way further into the common area. Both girls looked uncomfortable and pale, Ashido's hand rested on Yaoyorozu's back comfortingly as they made their way forward.

"How dare you touch me! Let me down this instant! I'm going to get you thrown in jail so fast for assaulting a student!" Mineta continued to yell as he wiggled uselessly in Izuku's grip. At this point everyone in the commons area watched as the green haired teen stalked towards Shouta, knuckles white with how hard he was holding onto the perverted teenager in his grip.

The teen stopped in front of the hero and shook the grape haired boy in his grip in his direction.

"I found this little pervert in Yaoyorozu's room, going through her underwear drawer." Izuku growled, shaking the smaller teen again when he made a noise to protest.

Shouta blinked and took a moment to count to ten in his mind. Had he not just impressed upon these kids just a week ago to not step a single toe out of line? Was he not clear in the threat? With All Might's retirement it was going to be much more difficult to expel students but he was sure Nezu was going to make an exception here. Especially in this case.

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