The Night The Lights Went Out in Georgia

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Once Izuku left the room, things happened very quickly.

Nezu himself entered the room not five minutes later, followed by Midnight and Cementoss.

It seemed like they'd already been briefed on the situation as Midnight quickly knocked All Might out and he was taken from the classroom by the two heroes. Presumably to Nezu's office though no one caught the details of what exactly was happening there.

Katsuki barely heard Nezu trying to calm Aizawa down over the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears.

He found himself sitting on the floor of the classroom, Sero and Kirishima on either side of him. In his peripheral he could see Iida and Yaoyorozu herding the class away from where he was seated and back towards their desks. Very little of what they were saying was registering to him, though, so he turned his head so he could watch the Principal and their teacher.

The rat was standing on the Podium speaking to the man who looked absolutely wrecked. If Katsuki had any energy left he'd be surprised at the level of emotion the usually stoic hero was showing. Even with his addled brain Katsuki could see the man's hands shaking and the way one of his hands was still wrapped tightly around his capture weapon.

"He's left the campus already." Nezu's voice drifted over to him and the blonde couldn't help but shoot up from his sitting position to insert himself into the conversation.

"He left?!"

The rat's gaze bore into Katsuki for a moment like he was trying to see into his brain or something before he shifted to face the teen, posture calm and collected.

"Yes, he was seen on cameras leaving campus just after I arrived on scene. Not to worry, Young Bakugo! This is completely expected." Nezu's words seemed to pull something out of Aizawa because the man dragged a hand through his hair and looked like he wanted to strangle the principal.

"Expected? None of this was expected!" The man grit out, eyes a little wild at the edges and posture tense.

"Well, not all of it no. I certainly wasn't expecting the former number one hero to attempt to strangle a minor. However, Izuku running away when things got a little too much for him was something I was expecting." Nezu clapped his paws together and motioned for Aizawa to come closer. "I expected it to be much, much sooner than this but not to worry. His phone has a tracker in it and he has things here he clearly cares about. He'll return once he is ready."

The irritation Katsuki felt was mirrored in Aizawa's face as he stepped closer and let the rat climb up onto his shoulders. He turned his attention to Katsuki once more and flashed him a smile, giving a small wave of his paw.

"We will handle this, don't you worry! Just focus on helping your friends wrap their minds around this before Izuku comes back. He will need support, don't you think?"

As much as he didn't want to admit it, that really was all he could do in this situation. Sure, he could leave school grounds to go try and hunt Izuku down but even he had to admit that he had no idea where the green haired teen would be headed.

He'd managed to survive for almost three years without anyone being even the slightest bit aware he was alive. What hope did Katsuki have in tracking him down if he didn't want to be found?

Nodding, he turned to go back to where Sero and Kirishima were hovering nervously but paused as Aizawa turned to leave. The man saw his pause and turned his gaze to him, questioning and dull. Katsuki's hands curled into fists at his sides and he grit his teeth against the swell of rage still burning in his chest.

"Don't let the bastard get away with this."

Aizawa's gaze sharpened and for the first time Katsuki could see the rage simmering just under the surface reflected back at him. The man didn't say anything, instead giving a sharp nod and turning on his heel.

As much as Katsuki wanted to be able to do something, it was in the best hands it could be in.

Aizawa had proven over and over that he'd do what it took to protect their class. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that had this scenario happened to one of them, he'd still be furious and on a warpath.

But Katsuki also wasn't stupid. No one who watched the hero and Izuku interact could miss the fact that the man was probably working on adoption papers in his free time.

With that thought in mind, Katsuki turned back to where his friends were hovering and gave them a short nod of his own. Kirishima flashed him a small smile and patted him on the back as he passed, both of them turning to follow him back to the rest of the class.

Katsuki pushed past Iida and Yaoyoruzu carefully and made his way to the closest desk, Ojiro blinking at him with uncertainty as he paused in front of him. The blonde ignored him and grabbed the paper that had started all of this mess off of his desk, frowning down at the words as his mind raced.

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