Exit Light, Enter Night

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There were a lot of things Izuku wanted to say to Kacchan before he stepped through that portal.

It's okay, the heroes will be here soon.

I'm sorry for not coming home

It wasn't your fault.

None of which he could say with the entirety of the League watching him. Not when the boogeyman could hear him. There was no telling what either of them would do if they knew who Katsuki was to him.

Shigaraki probably would kill him in front of Izuku just to take one more thing from him. To prove that he could finally hurt the thorn in his side. No, none of the League could find out how badly Izuku wanted to have Bakugou Katsuki out of that bar and back on his way to UA. The entire situation was dangerous and volatile in ways Izuku was not prepared to handle at the moment.

Mentally shaking himself from his thoughts, he focused on the task at hand.

All for One wanted to chat

Sticking his shaking hands in the pockets of his overlarge hoodie, he forced himself to focus. Taking a deep breath he stepped through the warp gate and into the familiar room where his biggest nightmare resided.

The man himself was relaxed, leaning back in his chair as if everything were a mildly interesting show on the tv. Which, Izuku supposed, was true for the 200 year old monster sitting in front of him. The villain had on more than one occasion told Izuku how boring he found the routine squabbles of heroes and villains once he'd seen them a few hundred times.

Izuku swallowed his anxiety at the sight of the man, fighting down the urge to take a step back when his head turned from the direction of the TV set monitoring the bar to where he stood. It'd been months since Izuku had stood in this room and he had no idea if the man had added new quirks to his arsenal or not. It was always a safe bet to assume he had, honestly.

"Deku! How good to see you." All for One hummed, leaning his chin on his fist. At least he seemed...amused instead of angry. "It's been so long. What have you been doing, hmm?"

If you asked Izuku how he'd ended up having 'chats' with the biggest boogeyman of the underworld he honestly could not tell you the exact sequence of events. It seemed like he was just a simple information broker one minute and then next he'd been swept into a warp gate and into the lair of the beast.
A monster that seemed amused by him more often than not. Even when he fought with his prized student.

Izuku honestly could say he hated Shigaraki more than he thought possible. He was everything Izuku despised.




Too short sighted to see anything past his shallow want to hurt and destroy. Their very first interaction had shown him as much as he needed to see of the silver haired man and he'd been very vocal about his dislike ever since.

It didn't matter to All for One, though. No. He seemed a little disappointed that they didn't get along but in the long run had seemed to be content with just talking to Izuku about his opinions on things and how the world ran.

Which was...disturbing to the teen. Because it gave him way too much of an insight into how All for One thought and how he planned. That monster's mind was not something Izuku wanted to know and the fact that he did was the source of some of his worst nightmares.

Chiding himself for getting lost in his head again, Izuku shrugged a little and rocked forward a little on the balls of his feet.

"Trying to lay low, honestly." He answered evenly, betraying none of his nerves at being stuck in front of his man when he'd never had any intention of ever stepping foot in this place again. "As always, something made harder by your psychotic protégé out there."

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