This is Austin

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After dealing with parents and the Bakugo situation, Shouta fully believed he deserved to sleep for the next week. Obviously there was no way that was going to happen but by the gods he could hope.

Entering the new apartment, a bag of take out for the three of them in his hand, he paused to kick off his boots. And then paused again when he took in the quiet atmosphere of the house. It took him a moment to latch onto the noise of his husband humming from somewhere in the house and once he did he relaxed a little. Rarely was their home this quiet.

It was going to take a hot minute to get used to living on campus but at the very least with two of his husband's three jobs close by he'd get to see him more than he already did.

Plus with a teenager in the mix, things were definitely going to get shaken up a bit.

Shouta headed into the living room only to pause again, brow quirked at the massive bundle of blankets on the sofa. Izuku's face peered out from them after a moment, a glare set on the teen's face.

"You didn't tell me you live with Present Mic!" The teen hissed, blanket bundle wiggling a little as he tried to get a hand free to point accusingly at the underground hero.

Shouta couldn't help the laugh that escaped him as he kept walking, only pausing to stick his hand in the kid's hair and ruffle it a little.

"Kid, I'm married to Present Mic." He said, ignoring the squawk of surprise that the kid let out as he walked past. For a moment he wondered if it was the head touch or his words but ultimately decided he didn't care.

"You're MARRIED."

There was shuffling behind him of the blankets and a second later the kid came skidding into the kitchen with a feral look on his face. Shouta just blinked at him before turning his attention back to unpacking the bag of take out. He could hear Hizashi laughing somewhere deeper in the apartment and guessed the blonde was giving them some space. Gods, he loved that man.

"Yes, kid, we are married. Have been for many many years."

Glancing up, he took note of the weird look on the kids face. He almost looked dazed for some reason. Shouta didn't say anything else, moving around the kitchen to grab plates and utensils as he set the table. A minute or so passed before Hizashi joined them, dropping a kiss on Shouta's cheek as he passed to open the fridge.

It took a minute or more for the kid to gather his thoughts, still hovering nervously near the entrance of the kitchen. His eyes followed their every move, brows furrowed a little as if still confused.

" do realize that this kind of information would make me rich, right? That I sell information for a living." The kids voice was quiet, confusion laced in every word. His eyes were stormy and uncertain as he met Shouta's gaze.

"Not anymore, you don't. Besides, we would know where it came from. You're the only one aside from the rest of the staff here that knows." Shouta said it carefully, shrugging a shoulder like he didn't care about the outcome of what he was talking about. He could see Hizashi out of the corner of his eye watching the interaction carefully. Could almost visibly see his husband catch on to what he was doing.

Of course he didn't take this lightly. Of course it was a big deal that the kid knew something they'd kept successfully under wraps for years.

(Though now that he thought about it, the hell class was going to figure it out as well soon. He'd deal with that when it came time.)

"I know that but...." Izuku floundered for a moment, trying to find the right words as his gaze flickered between the two heroes quickly. "That's a lot of trust you're putting in me, Eraserhead."

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