This got out of hand

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Everything had been going well, Izuku thought.

He'd finally found an in to bond with the class. Mina and Uraraka were never far away from him now in the dorms and the others seemed to accept him as well, including him in activities and asking for study tips. Iida was still distant and a little distrustful of him but he could deal with that.

Kacchan was very sweet in keeping some of the more intrusive of his classmates off of his back when it came to the reason he was ward of the school in the first place. Eventually Izuku knew he was going to have to come clean about everything, quirklessness included, but for now he was enjoying feeling almost normal for the first time in his life. Everything was....easy, almost.

Izuku's lessons with Nezu were more fun than anticipated and quite honestly felt like a set up for world domination with the way the principal had him analysing situations around the school. It was great practice and great fun. He was even enjoying the hacking lessons the rat was giving him. All in all they weren't traditional lessons but he couldn't help but feel Nezu had a plan regardless. It was nice, honestly, to let someone else handle the planning.

Things with Shouta and Hizashi were amazing as well! Their routine was easy to fall into at this point. Izuku would help Shouta with grading and lesson plans or even just case notes after classes ended before the other students wandered down to the common areas to start prepping dinner or separate study sessions. Shouta would ruffle his hair a little, sometimes, before he got up to head back to the apartment and leave Izuku to whatever the class decided to do that evening.

Izuku would hang out with the class for a little while before excusing himself when he saw Hizashi sneaking into the building, making a bee line for the apartment right after the blonde hero. Hizashi and Shouta made it a point to have dinner together nightly, before Shouta had to go on patrol, and Izuku made a point to be back in the apartment in time for dinner every night.

It was...domestic and nice, honestly. Talking over dinner with the two older men about 1A's shenanigans or the different ways Shouta had tried to sneak off that day to nap. If Izuku was being one hundred percent honest, it was the best part of his day. It made him feel warm and happy in a way he couldn't remember ever being in his life.

Inko wasn't cold to him, per say, but as he got older dinner together happened less and less often. Before everything, he'd just chalked it up to her having to work so hard to support them but now? How could he? Hizashi worked three jobs and Shouta worked two but both men purposely made the time to spend a meal together.

So why couldn't his mother care enough to do the same?

He did his best not to dwell on this kinds of thoughts, focusing more on learning how to make lesson plans and putting small bits of input in on when and how to teach things they were planning. If he wanted to stay in the bubble of warmth he'd found himself in, he'd have to make himself useful.

Not that he thought they'd kick him back out on the streets or into jail if he didn't but at this point, what else could he do to repay either Shouta or Nezu for what they'd given him?

Of course, he should have known things were going far too well for far too long.

He was reminded of his shitty luck when he walked into the 1A classroom two weeks after arriving at the school and saw a familiar figure standing at the front of the classroom.

All Might

The man was in his shrunken form, having been revealed in the battle of Kamino, talking with a few students. Izuku fought to swallow down the lump in his throat that threatened to choke him. If he had to describe it, he would say it felt like ice had been injected into his veins. Sure, he knew he'd have to face the man eventually but he'd hoped he would get a little bit of notice beforehand.

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