Every Light in the house is on

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Hours later, Izuku woke with a start as his phone began to loudly ring. It wasn't a ringtone that he'd ever set but only the gods themselves knew what the support department put into his phone at Nezu's insistence.

He was sluggish and groggy as he wiggled around trying to get his hand into his pocket enough to pull the offending gadget out. Dabi groaned as Izuku's knee dug into his stomach and he made a motion to push the smaller male off of him. Izuku clung to him with his free hand, refusing to be dislodged.

"Turn that damn thing off." The scarred man growled, still attempting to push Izuku off of him.

Izuku finally managed to pull his phone free and silenced it quickly. Ignoring the grumbling man he was laying on, he sat up fully and squinted down at his phone. It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the harsh light of the phone in the pitch black living room but once he did his stomach dropped.

There were at least a dozen missed calls from Kacchan and thirty from Hizashi.

"Fuck." Izuku said emphatically, dropping his phone onto Dabi's chest and burying his own face in his hands. "I'm in so much trouble."

Dabi squinted up at him, shifting so he could drag his fingers through his own hair before reaching to pick up Izuku's phone off of his chest. He flipped it over and let out a low whistle. It turned into a laugh when Izuku whined and swiped his phone out of the man's hand.

"I slept for so long. I didn't mean to!" The teen whined a little more before climbing off of the sofa and slipping his phone back into his pocket. He wasn't going to call them back just yet, not with Dabi sitting up on the sofa and watching him the way he was. There was no telling what the man would say just to embarrass him or get him into even more trouble.

"Awww. Daddy's calling? Gotta run back to your little heroes." The edge was back in Dabi's voice and Izuku paused for a second to look at the man seriously.

The man in question was sitting on the edge of the sofa not looking at Izuku, shoulders hunched and posture tight. The teen couldn't help but sigh quietly to himself because after their little talk he'd hoped that they were on better footing now.

But when did he ever get what he wanted fully?

"Just because I have to go back doesn't mean I'm leaving entirely." Izuku said softly, stuffing his hands in his pockets and kicking at the man's boot gently.

The man looked up at him finally, disbelief written all over his face.

"Right. Because we can so easily hang out. I'll come visit U.A one day, it'll be great." He snarked, leaning back heavily against the back of the sofa. Izuku kind of wanted to punch him again.

"Phones exist. And as everyone keeps forgetting, I excel at skirting around and breaking rules." Izuku ground out, turning on his heel and stalking into the kitchen of the safe house. He could hear Dabi getting up and following him but he paid no mind as he searched around for what he was looking for.

Pulling out an old discarded notebook from one of the drawers, he hastily scribbled down his phone number before turning to push it into Dabi's chest.

"There. Now you have a way to contact me." He huffed, watching as Dabi rolled his eyes and set the notebook to the side. "Don't make me hunt you down, Dabi, because I will."

The man rolled his eyes and reached out to grab the back of Izuku's hoodie, hauling him in for a quick hug. The teen sagged into it for a moment before wiggling away and dancing backwards towards the front door of the apartment.

"You act like I wasn't the one who taught you how to hunt people down, brat." Dabi grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and drawing a quiet laugh from the teen.

As much as he wanted to stay and soak up as much time as he could not fighting with Dabi, there was no way Hizashi and Shouta weren't worried sick after that many missed calls.

"Yeah, yeah, kid go on. Be sure to tell the Bakugo brat I said hi." Dabi drawled, waving him away as he leaned against the counter.

Izuku stuck his tongue out at him as he cracked open the door, one foot outside the door already.

"I will not be doing that, you petty bitch. Bye!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Shouta watched his husband pace back and forth across the living room from the sofa, one of the cats in his lap, and tried not to lose his mind. He could see the phone in Hizashi's hand and see him already dialing Izuku's number again.

It'd been like this for the past hour and a half.

Granted, yes, Shouta was a little worried as well despite Nezu's assurances that Izuku would return soon. The Principal might be a genius but Shouta and Hizashi dealt with traumatized teenagers on a daily basis. Sure, their kid had a little bit more spice than the others but it was the same idea.

The volume of Hizashi's frustrated growl instinctively had Shouta's quirk flaring, even as his husband whirled around to glare at him.

"He will be fine, 'Zashi." Shouta soothed, getting off of the sofa and walking over to his husband. The blonde sagged a little, worry written all over his face as his gaze skittered back down to his phone.

The raven haired man sighed a little and gently pried the phone out of Hizashi's hands, lips quirking up into a sad smile as the man's gaze flew to his own. He gave the man's hand a squeeze before tangling their fingers together gently.

"Worrying like this isn't going to make anything better." He said softly, quietly relieved when Hizashi let him lead him towards the sofa. "We have to trust that he'll come back when he's ready. He's capable enough to handle himself until then."

The blonde's whine as he was pulled down onto the sofa next to Shouta bordered on quirk usage. He did let Shouta pull him closer, though, burying his face into his husband's shoulder as he tried to pull himself together.

"I can't just not worry about our kid, Sho We just got him to open up and trust us and now this! What if he decides it's not worth it and w.e never see him again?"

Shouta was quiet for a moment, running his free hand through Hizashi's hair as he thought of a good answer for that. Sure, the kid could decide that being this close to All Might was a risk he wasn't willing to take. Neither of them could blame him.

But even only knowing the boy for a few weeks, Shouta already knew that neither he nor Hizashi were going to be able to let Izuku just walk away from them. He also knew that if he didn't want to be found it was going to be absolute hell to track him back down.

He was pulled out of his ponderings about that potential problem by Hizashi's phone ringing. Both of them jumped a little in surprise and Shouta fumbled to pick the phone back up out of his lap.

Flipping the phone over, the caller I.D read Izuku's number.

Shoata couldn't remember a time he answered a phone call faster. Before he even said a word, the set the call to speaker and held the phone between him and Hizashi.

"Izuku! Are you okay? We've been worried sick." Hizashi exclaimed, one of his hands coming up to wrap around Shouta's wrist and pull the phone closer to him.

There was a beat of silence on the other end and then a small laugh. The sound of it sent shivers up and down Shouta's spine and raised every hair on the back of his neck. Something was wrong. Something was horribly wrong.

"I'm sorry to add onto it, Papamic." Izuku's voice was strained and instantly both of them were leaning closer to the phone to try and listen for anything telling in the background of the call. "You see, I was on my way back to the school but there's someone following me."

Ice slid down Shouta's spine at the words and he was instantly reaching for his own phone and sending half spelled text to Nezu about tracking Izuku's phone. He hadn't bothered with the feature up until now but...

"Who's following you? Can you get a description of them?" Shouta could feel himself slipping into work mode, trying not to focus on all of the bad outcomes that could happen in this situation.

"I can do you one better. I have a name." Izuku's voice was strained and Shouta could hear in his quick breaths that he was spooked.

"Who is it?" Hizashi's voice was as soft as he could make it in the moment, obviously trying to keep his quirk under control as his emotions flew all over the place. His hand was tight around Shouta's wrist as he fought to keep professional and calm for Izuku.

"Toga Himiko. She's not disguised or anything and she's gaining. Fairly sure they plan on warping me away to wherever they're hiding out right now." Izuku's breath picked up a little and Shouta's heart froze in his chest at the sound. "I don't have any weapons and I know for a fact she has at least three. She's going to take me. Track the phone, I'll try and hide it before she gets to me."


"Dad, I'm sorry but I've gotta be smarter here. I've got a plan. Track the phone."

The call ended and both Shouta and Hizashi stared down at the phone in disbelief.

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