If I could write a letter to me at 16

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There were very few things in life that Dabi could say he was genuinely scared of. Most of them were abstract and could be ignored. Like Death or the madness that lingered in the back of his mind.

The woman standing over the bed with the knife in her hand and a manic smile? That absolutely could not be ignored.

Dabi blinked up at her, trying to decide if he should just burn everything or if he was hallucinating. It took him several long moments to realize he'd fallen asleep in Bakugo's bed and that the woman who looked scarily like the teenager was probably his mother.

Which, you know, presented its own set of issues considering he could feel Izuku's weight against his side and the arm draped over his stomach absolutely did not belong to him or the green haired teen.

The woman must have been able to sense the panic growing in the villain because her smile took on an even sharper edge.

"Good morning. Don't we look awfully cozy?" Her voice was syrupy sweet but it sent chills down Dabi's spine. Historically, he and parents did not get along. Let alone the parent of a living grenade who had to have learned his attitude somewhere.

Dabi, thankfully, didn't even get a chance to formulate a response because the arm that was not his or Izuku's lifted up to flip the woman the bird, directing the woman's attention to her spawn rather than him.

"Stop trying to scare him, hag." Bakugo grumbled somewhere off to the right.

Dabi shifted a little to see the blonde laying practically on top of Izuku, hair even crazier looking than usual as he squinted and glared up at his mother. The woman just smiled sweetly back, the knife disappearing somewhere behind her back like she hadn't just silently threatened to gut Dabi with it.

"Breakfast is ready, start getting up brats." The woman said finally after a staring contest with her son, eyes briefly flickering to Dabi before she turned and exited the room.

So there was no way of getting out of whatever awful and awkward situation was about to occur. Great.

The room was silent for a moment before the teen pressed against Dabi's side began to giggle, burying his face in Dabi's shirt to try and smother the noise. Very briefly he considered smothering the giggling teen for letting him go through that very, very, traumatizing wake up call.

"Oi! Why didn't you save me from the psycho you little...!" Dabi growled, turning to try and grab the teen as he wiggled away from him still laughing.

"Because! Auntie likes me best and I have to keep it that way so she doesn't murder you at breakfast." Izuku squealed as he crawled over Bakugo and hid behind the scowling blonde.

"Why do you get me into these situations?" Dabi groaned and flopped back down onto the bed, covering his eyes with hand like that would block out the ridiculous situation he'd found himself in.

It couldn't block out the renewed giggling of the green haired teen and the snort the explosive blonde let out.

"You love me~"

And damn him, he did.

Almost enough to stop him from contemplating just jumping out the window and booking it before the demon woman downstairs figured out he'd left.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hizashi pulled the car up in front of the Bakugo household and was surprised to see Izuku and Bakugo waiting for them. The green haired teen was smiling wide as Bakugo said something, the blonde boy wrinkling his nose and pouting at how hard the other teen laughed at him.

Neither of them noticed the car at first and it gave Hizashi a moment to really take in the sight of his kid completely relaxed and carefree. He glanced over at the passenger seat and smiled softly at his husband, who was watching the same scene with a small frown.

"Aww, lighten up Sho. Loud blondes run in the family, apparently." He teased lightly, chuckling when Shouta shot him a glare.

Hizashi's smile softened, though, as he turned his gaze back to the two teenagers who seemed to be wrapped up in their own little world.

It was amazing the progress that had been made in regards to the boy in front of them. Never in a million years would Hizashi have believed that the jumpy teenager they'd brought into their home would be able to smile that brightly.

When Izuku arrived into their care he was closed off and distrustful. He jumped at the slightest noise and was so reserved. Hizashi had wondered in the beginning if they'd be able to reach past the layers and layers of walls the teen had built between himself and the world.

Now, he couldn't help but feel warm and happy at the changes in their kid.

"I'm so proud of him, Sho."

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