He was looking for a soul to steal

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Aizawa Shouta was a lot of things. Patient was usually one of them. You had to be when dealing with teenagers. Especially dealing with 1A. An ounce less of patience on his part and he might have expelled them all already.

After tonight, he might just do it anyway.

His patience has run its course at the moment, though. He doesn't have even an ounce of it left. Not when he's already had to deal with the media and watch the quite frankly horrific battle between All Might and All for One.

Not when after waiting what felt like all night, he finally got word that his student was confirmed safe and in police custody. Along with word that at least four of his other students had shown up at the police station with him.

Expulsions were on the horizon, he could practically feel it.

Which is why he did not complain once when Hizashi demanded he drive him to the station, stating that Shouta was in no state to do it himself. That was bullshit and Hizashi knew it. The blonde just wanted an excuse to go with him instead of staying home and waiting for a phone call that Bakugo was unharmed.

Shouta didn't call him on it. Instead acquiesced to the decision and wisely kept his mouth shut at the speed his husband used getting them to their destination.

In return, his husband didn't say a word to him about how he practically tucked and rolled out of the car once they did arrive at the station. Hizashi would later complain that he hadn't even slowed down yet before Shouta's door was open and the underground hero was gone.

Shouta hadn't even opened the door yet when he heard the yelling. It sounded like Bakugou was having a fit about something and there were several voices answering his. The hero didn't even pause or slow his stride as he moved towards the door and threw it open.

If he paused for just a second to soak in the fact that Bakugo barely even had a scratch on him and let himself feel relieved over it, that was between him and whatever deity was watching over him.

Hearing the door open, the blonde teenager turned to face him with a wild look on his face. Seeing who it was, he took several strides away from the officers that were blocking his way from wherever he was trying to go and latched onto Shouta's sleeve.

"Sensei, you have to make them let him go. He didn't do anything. They're holding him without cause." The explosive teen ground out, knuckles white from the strength of his grip on the older man.

That was...definitely not something he was expecting to hear out of the teenagers mouth. His eyes flickered away from his student and to the officers for a moment, all of which looked apologetic and as confused as Shouta was beginning to feel.

Luckily for his sanity, Detective Tsukauchi pushed his way past the officers and beckoned Shouta to follow him. As he did, Bakugo trailed after him with a thunderous look on his face. When the detective turned around to see that he'd followed he sighed and Shouta had to wonder what exactly had happened in the time it took for him to get to the station for the man to be put out already by the teen.

"Bakugo came to the station a little after sunrise with several of your students." The Detective started, handing over the file in his hands. Shouta was definitely expelling some students damn it. The man's next words, though, pushed the already fuming thoughts out of his brain for a moment. "He was also dragging a known and wanted criminal with him."

"Bullshit! Deku is not a damn criminal." The teen exploded, finally letting go of his teacher to let his palms spark. Something he only did, Shouta noticed, when he was stressed these days.

"This 'Deku', Midoriya Izuku, is a ranked Villain." Tsukauchi raised his voice over the teen's, brows pinched as he ignored Bakugo in favor of staring Shouta down like this was all his fault. "We're holding him currently until we decide what to do."

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