I can see you're out of Aces

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When Izuku pictured how rescuing Kacchan from the league was going to go, he was prepared for things to go sideways quickly. They always did when his luck met Shigaraki's particular brand of stupidity. However, he did not expect things to go this far sideways.

Not in a million years did he ever expect to be standing on the U.A Campus watching Eraserhead putter around a small apartment with two cats following him, yelling for food.

He let himself drop down onto the sofa in the living area and watch the entire thing with wide eyes. The whole situation was bizarre, honestly.

Sure, when Nezu had said 'Come protect my students from Shigaraki and I'll keep you from disappearing quietly at the hands of the commission' he knew rationally that he'd end up at U.A at some point but...

No, at no point did he really think he'd end up here.

He was still half expecting some shadow government agent to come swooping out of nowhere and grabbing him up.

Look, you didn't get to be as good at information gathering as he had without making some enemies. Knowledge was power, after all.

But honestly, what was he going to do with the information? It wasn't like the public was going to believe that the commission had groomed and abused a top ten hero since childhood when it came from the mouth of a quirkless nobody.

But apparently even knowing about the program in question was too dangerous in their eyes. Bullshit, is what it was.

Shaking himself out of that depressing thought process, he turned his eyes back towards the underground hero currently trying to caffeinate

Eraserhead glared down at the cats at his feet, stepping over them with practiced ease as he moved towards the coffee pot. From the bags under his eyes, Izuku would hazard a guess that the man had gotten between zero and none hours of sleep since the whole League ordeal had begun.

The little apartment was silent for the most part, aside from the noise of the cats and the man in the kitchen, so Izuku let himself relax back onto the sofa with a small sigh. They were on the ground floor of the newly built 1A dorms, presumably so Eraserhead could keep an eye on the students during the night without sacrificing his own privacy.

Students that Izuku was going to have to meet very soon. A tiny bit of anxiety curled at his cut at the thought of it. It wasn't often these days that he interacted with people his own age and the glaring difference in their life experience was going to be pretty damn obvious to all of them once the situation was explained.

Not to mention what they'd think of him once they found out he was quirkless.

No, he didn't have high expectations for how this entire experience was going to go honestly.

The shuffling footsteps of the adult whose sofa he was sitting on drew him out of his thoughts, gaze lifting to the man once more as he made his way back into the room and set his coffee down on the table between them before dropping into the chair positioned across from Izuku.

He didn't immediately look at him, instead focusing on the file he'd brought with him. He laid it on the coffee table and flipped it open and Izuku caught a glimpse of his own face.

"So, Midoriya, I have a few questions for you before we go over what you're going to be doing here. They're mostly for me, to better gauge how much you can handle right now and what we need to work on." He man rumbled, still not looking at Izuku as he reached for his coffee. "We have a therapist on staff who we can make an appointment for you with a little bit later on but with classes starting in a couple days I need some of these answers immediately."

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