Sweet Child O' Mine

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Everyone returned to the dorms and collectively decided to set up camp in the common room. As promised, Izuku and Present Mic returned but the blonde man waved them away when everyone rose to greet them.

One look at Izuku and everyone understood, his eyes were red rimmed and he looked like he was about to drop. Present Mic was practically holding up the teenager. Everyone hovered nervously as the man shot them a small smile and guided the exhausted teen away from them and down the hall towards Aizawa's apartment, well their apartment.

They all settled once more, spreading out homework and other things around the tables and couches as they settled in to wait.

It didn't take long, though, for them to get restless. Katsuki could feel their eyes on him and it was wearing on his nerves with every minute that ticked by. His leg began to bounce under the table he was sitting at and his grip grew tighter on the pencil in his hand.

When the chair in front of him slid out and a body dropped into it he barely resisted the urge to snap the object in his hand. It was an accomplishment that he'd brag about to his therapist in their next session. Especially when he raised his gaze to find Shinsou sitting across from him, a smirk tugging at his lips.

Normally, he didn't mind the purple troll doll. He was nowhere near as annoying as some of the extras in 1B and miles above the dumbass he'd replaced after the Sports Festival. Right now, though? Now he kind of wanted to set an explosion off in his face to get rid of that damn smirk.

"So. Care to explain what exactly that was all about?"

Katsuki could feel every eye in the room turn to them. He could feel the irritation in himself rising and forced it down once more. What they'd just seen was disturbing and he couldn't blame them for wanting answers.

He just didn't know if he was the right one to give them those answers.

"Ever heard of the old saying 'Never meet your Heroes'? Guess we learned the hard way that they never live up to expectations." Katsuki grumbled, dropping his gaze back down to the homework in front of him.

Shinsou leaned against the table, leaning into Katsuki's space. The damned smirk fell off his face and was replaced with a more serious expression.

"Bakugo, we both know that's not what I was talking about." When the blonde looked up to meet his gaze again, the other teen's expression was searching. Katsuki couldn't fault him for trying to understand what the hell had happened in that classroom. He himself was trying to wrap his head around it with the limited pieces of the puzzle he held.

"You know he was a Villain, right? Nothing murder level or anything but enough that he and Crusty the Assclown are hostile on sight." Katsuki didn't lower his voice, knowing damn well that the rest of the class was listening in on the conversation. "When they kidnapped me he bust into the bar and threw a fucking knife at Shigaraki's face."

The look of awe on Troll Doll's face made Katsuki want to throw something but instead he just drummed his fingers against the table unhappily.

"Get that stupid look off your face, troll." He grumbled, glaring with all the energy he could muster at the moment. Instead of the desired effect of making the idiot stop it just made his lips quirk up in that stupid fucking smirk.

"Oh? Am I not allowed to find him attractive? Because from where I sit he looks pretty unattached."

Katsuki's lips pulled up in a snarl and he was halfway out of his seat when a hand came to rest on his shoulder and Kirishima's voice registered through the haze of anger.

"Dude, not cool. The last thing Izubro is worrying about right now is dating, I think."

Shinsou lifted his hands in surrender but the smirk only grew when Katsuki growled at him as he dropped back into his chair heavily.

"How did he get from the bar all the way out to that warehouse, though?" Uraraka settled into a chair on the other side of Katsuki, brows furrowed. "It wasn't exactly close enough that he could have gotten there so quickly..."

"All for One, the Villain that Ass Might fought, apparently wanted to 'talk' to Izuku and made the warp villain bring him over to him. I'm guessing that's why he was all bent out of shape about Izuku being on campus." Katsuki slumped in his chair a little, fingers tapping against his leg the only other sign he was agitated.

The other students were gathered around their table now, leaning against the other nearby tables or just milling around listening to the conversation.

"That's not exactly fair to Izuku. That guy leveled part of a city, who knows what he'd do if someone told him no." Sero mumbled from the other side of Katsuki.

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