Who says you can't go home?

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Sleep was difficult for Izuku on a good night and the last few nights hadn't been all that good.

It didn't take long to fall asleep, wrapped up and held close to Katsuki as he was, but it was difficult to keep hold of. He kept still the few times he drifted into consciousness, not wanting to disturb Katsuki.

The last time, though, Izuku blinked awake to find someone standing in the doorway of his room. By time he'd refocused his eyes, they were gone but he had a pretty good idea of who it had been anyway. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and glanced over at his alarm clock.

5:00 AM. Typical time for the household to start moving. Usually this was around the time Shouta was waking up from his post patrol nap.

It took him a moment to fully extract himself from Katsuki's grasp, pausing for a moment at the edge of the bed to murmur soothing nothings when the other began to stir a little.

Looking down at the blonde for a moment, he couldn't resist the urge to lean down and ghost his lips over his forehead before sitting up again. He smoothed the covers over the other's sleeping form before standing up fully and making his way out into the hallway.

He padded his way softly into the kitchen and paused when he met the dark gaze of his father. Shouta's hair was pulled up into a low ponytail at the base of his neck and he was wrapped in one of Hizashi's sweaters. The bags under his eyes were even more prominent and he got the feeling that the older man had slept just as badly as Izuku had.

Judging by the second cup of coffee sitting on the table in front of him, he'd known that Izuku would follow him out into the kitchen.

It wasn't a common routine for either of them but it was familiar enough.

Izuku slid into the seat across from the older man and pulled the cup of coffee towards himself, hands wrapping around the mug tightly. The warmth of the ceramic in his hands ground him to the moment as he glanced up at his dad from beneath his bangs.

He had a bad feeling where this conversation was going to lead and part of him wanted to just crawl back into bed with Katsuki and avoid all of this. But the sensible part of himself reminded him that Shouta deserved answers to whatever questions were plaguing him. It was only fair considering how much trouble Izuku being here had brought down on him.

Silence lapsed between the two of them as Izuku sipped at his coffee, letting himself relax little by little as the minutes passed. He watched Shouta over the rim of his mug, noting how the older man was doing the same to him. Part of him wondered if the man was determining just how much trauma Izuku was willing to unearth in this round of questioning.

He seemed to have his answer after a minute or so of their silent staring contest. The man nodded to himself before reaching out to pick up a file folder off of the chair seat next to him, sliding it across the table towards Izuku a moment later and making a motion for him to open it.

Not sure what to make of this, Izuku set his coffee aside and reached for the folder. He didn't hesitate to flip it open and start scanning the first page of the documents inside.

What he was looking at...wasn't possible. His eyes danced over the paper repeatedly and he fully focused on it as he began to quickly glance through the rest of the paperwork inside. The teen's mind raced as he finally tore his eyes away from the documents to look up at Shouta in disbelief.

"What....what is all of this?" He managed to stutter out, gesturing at the papers in front of him.

"It's insurance that no matter how this goes with your mother or All For One, you're not getting taken away from us." Shouta's voice was rough but firm as he leaned against the table heavily, a hand coming out to tap at the papers for emphasis. "If this is what you want, I'll drop it back off to Nezu and have him push it through with his contacts."

All Izuku could do was stare at the man, open mouthed, for a moment as his words sank in. This...wasn't possible. There was no way that....no

"These are....this would be a whole new identity and...adoption papers for that name..." He stuttered out after a moment, gaze dropping back down to the folder in front of him. "You...you want to....I don't understand."

Shouta reached across the table to lay his hand gently on top of Izuku's, giving it a small squeeze when the teen twisted their hands so he was gripping the older man's hand tightly as his brain whirled a mile a minute.

"Kid, 'Zashi and I weren't kidding when we said you're our kid. And as long as you want to be our kid, we're going to fight tooth and nail to keep you." The man's voice was so serious and so firm that Izuku couldn't stop the flow of tears that sprang into his eyes.

He brought his free hand up to scrub at his face, shaking his head as if to banish the emotion that was welling up in his chest. There was no way. Sure, they said all of that stuff but he hadn't exactly expected them to go this far! Especially now that his own biological parentage was looking so....awful.

"But why?! You don't know what I've done! You don't know half of the things I've said and done....you won't want me if you did. You..." Izuku fought for breath against the sobs that clawed at his chest and throat, hand shaking as it frantically wiped at his eyes.

"I don't care, Izuku." Shouta cut in, getting up and moving around the table so he was kneeling down next to the teen.

His gaze was so intense that the green haired teen couldn't look at him for more than a second, curling in on himself as he tried to calm himself.

"Izuku, look at me. Hizashi and I don't give a damn about what you've done before you came to us, okay? There's nothing you could do that would make us let go of you."

The intensity and certainty in the man's voice, quiet and determined, was what finally broke the teen. He uncurled and threw himself at Shouta, catching the man off guard for a moment before he steadied the both of them and sank to the ground with the teen sobbing into his chest.

One of the man's hands came up to cup the back of his head while his other arm held the teen steady against him as he shifted the both of them into a decently comfortable position. He ended up sitting with his legs sprawled out in front of him with Izuku clinging to his chest with a vice grip on his sweater.

He whispered soothing words into the teen's hair, words that flew literally over his head as Izuku fought to pull himself together. It was several minutes before his breathing finally evened out and he could pull himself away from Shouta a little. The man only let him get far enough away that he could see his face properly, though, one of his hands still carding through the teen's green locks gently.

"You..really mean it, right? I don't have to leave?" Izuku finally asked after a moment, worrying at his lip as he let his gaze settle on Shouta's face finally.

Shouta rolled his eyes at him and used the hand in Izuku's hair to shake his head a little, drawing a small laugh from the teen before he let go entirely.

"No, problem child, you don't have to leave. We're keeping you."

Before Izuku could burst into another round of tears the sound of footsteps reached both of their ears, both of them turning towards the doorway of the kitchen in time to watch Hizashi walk in. The blonde paused in the doorway, taking in the scene in front of him before he threw his hands up in the air and a louder than usual whine.

"No fair, 'Sho! You said we could give him the paperwork together!"

Shouta rolled his eyes and carefully extracted himself from Izuku's hold, pushing himself to his feet with a groan and holding out his hand to help Izuku up as well.

"It was more logical to do it when he wouldn't be as embarrassed about crying."

"He cried?! Shooooo!"

Izuku watched his new parents bicker back and forth as Shouta picked up the folder and put the papers back in order, clearly only half listening to his husband whine at him. The teen couldn't help the small grin that tugged at his lips as he watched them and let the idea fully settle into his mind.

Dads. He officially had two dads now that would probably burn the world down to make sure he was okay. It felt weird, he'd admit, to have a parental figure that seemed to care so much. But..it was definitely something he could get used to.

His attention was only pulled away from his dads when Katsuki appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, squinting unhappily at the two adults bickering back and forth with each other.

He'd clearly been woken up by the noise, hair sticking up even worse than usual with bedhead and his borrowed clothes rumbled. Izuku couldn't help but want to commit the image to memory. He looked so soft and, dare he say it, cute at the moment. Grinning, Izuku shuffled over to grab the blonde's hand and gently pull him into the room. He got an eyebrow raise in return but the other didn't fight him as he ushered him into a seat at the table and moved to start breakfast for the four of them. It was a good start to his day, honestly. The best he could have hoped for. 

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