Go tell that long tongue liar

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Breakfast went by quickly, both teens practically swallowing the food whole as they rushed to start getting ready. Katsuki left soon after to get dressed for class, red eared and blushing as both Shouta and Hizashi teased both teens mercilessly about the awkward goodbye hug they'd watched.

To escape, Izuku rushed to get ready himself and have an excuse to hide himself in his room for a minute.

It was going to be a busy day, he could already feel it.

For the moment, though, he let himself sit on his bed and look around the room and finally fully let the events of the last day or so sink in. It was amazing how twenty four short hours could turn his entire life on its head.

Finally getting at least a little justice for the worst day of his life so far was...something he never expected to get, honestly. It felt nice that everyone had seemed to believe him and actually be angry for him. Surprising, absolutely, but nice nonetheless.

He hadn't expected anyone to believe him. Or even believe that All Might was anything other than a shining beacon of peace.

Being related to the symbol of peace's greatest nemesis was not such a great feeling, though. Everything having to do with the idea that All For One could be his father still felt fuzzy and unreal. There wasn't likely to be any kind of change in that feeling any time soon, though, he wagered.

Not until he had the full picture and that probably could only come from his mother.

The teen huffed out a sigh and shook his head to rid himself of that train of thought. It wouldn't do much good to dwell on it till they had an actionable plan for dealing with...all of that.

He ran a hand through his hair and glanced at the bag sitting on the bed next to him. The disintegrated and burned edges of the fabric taunted him. Another example of something from his past crumbling away from him.

It wasn't salvageable in the least and part of him mourned for the one comfort item he'd been allowed for the past few years. The rest of him, though, was resigned to being uncomfortable for a period of time.

He'd get used to not having the coverage it gave him, eventually. He had better coping mechanisms, now. A better support system around him.

And wasn't that an interesting turn of events.

He had people now. His Dads, Katsuki, and seemingly the whole of class 1A. It was almost overwhelming to think of how many people just in this building alone seemed ready to go to bat for him. Hell, he had Nezu in his corner.

He'd never had this much backup in his life. It was such an odd feeling.

He tore his gaze away from his ruined hoodie and picked up his phone off of the bed instead, thumbing through his contacts quickly. He hovered over a contact, worrying at his lip as he stared down at the name.


That was a whole other conundrum to deal with. Once again, at great personal risk to himself, the man had stepped out of his way to very literally save Izuku's life.

There were no messages or calls from him, so he assumed that the old healer had agreed to use his favors for the man. That or he was lying somewhere in a safe house dying slowly from infection. With Dabi it was a toss up.

Hopefully Toga'd had enough fun with looking at all the blood that she'd actually gotten him to the healer.

Blowing out a breath, Izuku pushed himself off of the bed and stood up. He tucked his phone into his pocket and grabbed his bag from where he'd dropped it at the end of his bed.

He had classes to get to, after all.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Shouta and Hizashi had long since left the apartment, both had planning to do before class and things to take care of, so it was just Izuku bustling around the living room gathering his things for the day.

He'd be lying if he'd said he wasn't stalling, letting most of the class make their way to the school before he even ventured outside of the apartment. He knew he was going to be bombarded by the class at some point but he was hopeful he could postpone it a little bit.

Deciding that enough time had passed for the common areas to clear out, Izuku headed towards the door.

To say he was surprised to find Todoroki Shouto standing on the other side, leaning against the wall waiting for him, was an understatement.

He paused in the doorway, startled, and took in the way that the youngest Todoroki was standing. His arms were crossed over his chest and the line of his shoulders was tense. So this wasn't just a social call, then.

"Uh. Hi?" He kept his tone bright, hoping this wouldn't end up being a massive problem.

The tension in the dual quirked teenager's shoulders relaxed a little and he nodded his head a little as he pushed off from the wall.

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