Welcome to the Family

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Luckily, by time Izuku had extracted himself from the sofa and the soft atmosphere that had built around himself and Katsuki it was quite late. Everyone had split apart and were slowly making their way out of the common areas and into their dorms.

When he pushed open the door to the apartment he could see that Shouta was already preparing for his patrol and Hizashi was going through his nightly routine. The teen paused in the doorway for a moment, watching the older men talk quietly. Shouta was still tense from whatever questions he still had for Izuku but he and Hizashi's fingers were tangled together and he leaned in when Hizashi asked for a kiss.

It was nice to see them so...domestic. And he was glad he hadn't interrupted their routine or dynamic too much. They'd been so kind to him thus far that he wouldn't be able to stand it if he put any kind of strain on them or their relationship...

It didn't take long for the two to notice his entrance, Hizashi noticing first and flashing him a soft smile. The blonde motioning him forward grabbed Shouta's attention and Izuku hesitated when those dark eyes fell on him. They were full of questions and the embers of the anger he'd seen there earlier in the night.

He knew the anger wasn't directed at him but it still made him antsy. The man seemed to realize that and gave him a small smile and reached out to him with his free hand.

Izuku reached out with his own, letting the man pull him closer to them both.

"You know we're going to have to talk about all of this at some point, right?" Shouta asked, eyes searching and cataloging Izuku's response to his words. Izuku couldn't even be upset about it, really, he'd known this would be the most likely outcome of that particular breadcrumb.

But he couldn't spill just yet. Not when the hero in question was so powerful and could literally help the Commission's efforts for him to disappear quietly along with everything he knew.

As tedious and delicate as the job was, it had to be done right.

"I know." Izuku mumbled, dropping his gaze down to his feet in an attempt to hide from Shouta's gaze. "Just...please not tonight? I'm exhausted and I...kind of agreed to go see Auntie Mitsuki with Kacchan tomorrow."

Both adults blinked at him, surprised and he internally breathed a sigh of relief. At least with a change in subject he could dodge the questions he knew both of them had.

"Which means if I could pretty please have my knives back?" He fumbled on forward, shooing Shouta the most pleading look he could manage at the moment. "Since we're also going to be going to get dinner afterwards?"

Immediately he could see that his wheedling had gone a step too far when Shouta's eyes blew wide again and he tightened his grip on Izuku's hand.

"...Absolutely not. No dating. No loud blondes. Not happening. Be the sensible one in this family, Izuku."

Hizashi let out a snort , tugging his husband away from Izuku a little.

"Sho, he's allowed to date. It's a normal teenage thing."

"And the rules for dating are: No loud blondes. Bakugo is the loudest blonde in class."

"Oh? So if I were to date...Shinsou, that would be fine." Izuku asked innocently, fighting back the urge to smirk at the absolute indignation that covered the underground hero's face.

"...that just feels wrong. No dating until you're 30."

Izuku couldn't help the small smirk that tugged his lips up, kicking at the floor lightly as he thought about the best way to mess with the man.

"I mean, okay, but then I have to tell Kacchan I can't go. It's such a shame since he asked me and all. He'll probably revert back to being emotionally constipated and be that much more of a handful in class." He hummed, watching Shouta's expression out of the corner of his eye.

The man's eye twitched and he seemed to be looking skyward, possibly asking the universe what he'd done to be put in this kind of position. After a moment he huffed and reached out to pull Izuku into a one armed hug.

"Fine, problem child, but I'm not giving you your knives back just for sassing me." He muttered, releasing him to lean over to get a kiss from Hizashi, ignoring the teenagers whine.

"Be good, kid, I'll see you in the morning." Shouta turned back and ruffled Izuku's hair before making his way out of the apartment.

It was quiet for a moment before Hizashi turned to the teenager and wagged his eyebrows at him, grinning.

"So? Shinsou came out pretty fast when he shot down Bakugo."

"Nope! I'm going to bed! G'Night!"

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