Smoke fill the lungs like a disease

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As soon as the four of them stepped out onto the street, both Katsuki and Dabi stepped up to flank Izuku on either side. The green haired teen didn't seem to notice the glaring contest going on over his head, instead happily reaching out to take both of their hands in his. It seemed whatever emotional epiphany the teen had gone through inside of his mother's apartment had maxed out his capacity to read a room. That or he was stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the tension rising between the two on either side of him as he happily swung their intertwined hands gently.

It was kind of adorable but Katsuki was never going to admit that in present company. It was embarrassing enough that Aizawa was usually present for most of the mushy moments Izuku managed to drag out of him. He wasn't going to give the man more material to judge him on.

And he certainly wasn't going to openly agree with Dabi on anything. The man seemed to agree with that sentiment as the glare over Izuku's head intensified.

Katsuki was pulled away from his staring contest with Dabi by movement out of the corner of his eye. Aizawa turned away from where he'd been obviously observing the three of them to pull his phone out, huffing quietly to himself.

It took Katsuki a moment to realize the man must be calling a car to come get them. Red eyes slid down to see if Izuku had noticed and winced when he saw green eyes on the hero. He couldn't miss the way the other teen's eyes glanced towards Dabi and his hands tightened around their hands.

As much as he hated to spend any more time than necessary in Dabi's company, it was easy to see that Izuku wasn't eager to part just yet. After the day he had, Katsuki couldn't blame him for it.

That thought in mind, he turned his gaze back to Aizawa and braced himself for an uncomfortable evening.

"Hey, my parents live a couple of blocks away." He called to the man, fighting back the urge to snap as the weight of two extra eyes settled on him. "They'll be happy to see Izuku and he looks like he's about ready to drop."

Katsuki ignored the indignant noise said green haired teen let out and found himself in a mini stare down with Aizawa. The man's gaze briefly flickered to Dabi and then back to Katsuki as he seemingly came to the same conclusion the blonde had. And if he didn't know any better, Katsuki would have swore the man rolled his eyes before he turned away.

"Fine. Just so long as they don't overwhelm him." The man grunted, putting his phone away and motioning for Katsuki to lead the way.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

When they arrived at the Bakugo household, Katsuki shooed the two of them up the stairs with a frown. Izuku had opened his mouth to argue and was met with a fierce glare from Katsuki.

"Go lay down, nerd, you look exhausted. Take scarface with you before my parents see him and freak out. I'm just gonna fill them in real quick and get us a snack." His tone brokered no room for argument so Izuku nodded and dragged Dabi up the stairs.

Even after so many years he knew the layout of the house by heart, tugging Dabi along with him into Katsuki's room and closing the door behind them. The bedroom didn't look the same as it did the last time he'd been here but he wasn't really expecting it to.

Ten or so years was a long time, after all.

The events of the day crashed down on Izuku all at once and he tugged Dabi after him as he made his way over to the bed and collapsed down onto it. The villain huffed out a laugh and sat down as well, shifting until he was leaned against the headboard. He seemed to consider something for a moment before reaching down to tug his boots off and set them aside. The villain pulled himself fully up onto the bed and stretched out, back against the wall. Once he settled he nudged at Izuku until he moved enough to curl up next to him with his head in his lap.

Izuku hummed happily as the man's hand carded through his hair before sliding down to cup the back of his neck. The teen sighed a little as the hand heated up and eased the tension he was holding in his neck, fingers tracing over the back of his neck and shoulders gently. He let his eyes drift closed, finally relaxing and letting the quiet wash over him.

Vaguely he thought he could hear Auntie Mitsuki downstairs yelling but for the moment it wasn't his problem. He knew he was dangerously close to falling asleep but the hand tracing patterns against the skin of the back of his neck and the softness of the bed did nothing to deter him from letting everything float away.

Sleep sounded really, really, nice.

And if he was leaving Kacchan and Dabi to figure out whatever issues they were having without him technically being a witness, then all the better.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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